
Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday Morning 12/26/2011

Yes it’s true. It is December 26, 2011. I remember as a kid seeing the movie “The Poseidon Adventure.” In there was a song: “There’s got to be a Morning After.” Well here we are on the morning after. What do you remember from yesterday? Did everyone get the gift they wanted? Did the house get cleaned up? Was it a good Day? With all the celebration about gifts and giving, how many stopped just for a moment to thank God for His greatest gift? On this Monday Morning is Christmas done and over for another year? Or is Christmas something to be lived all year? God is still God, Jesus is still the Savior, and He will come again.

But Pastor John, it’s CHRISTMAS! Christmas is all about family, gifts, and giving. It’s about getting up at the crack of dawn to see excitement on the faces of our families and friends. It’s about gathering for worship. It’s about gathering for celebration and food, and football. That is all very true and good. Think about this: God is all about families too. He is about giving gifts. He never sleeps and longs to see our face light up with excitement when he gives us unexpected blessing. How many of us invited God into our celebrations? On a side note: Does God even have a favorite football team?

Now it’s the week between Christmas and New years. Our focus seems to put Christmas behind us and we start looking at the New Year. How will I pay the bills for Christmas? I spent more than I should have. I had an argument with someone at dinner, but I was right and I don’t care what anyone thinks. I know I have not seen my friend in church for a long time, but I will do better next year. Are you worried about making promises for the New Year and then failing?

Are you worried my friends? Jesus asked, “Where is your faith?” I have heard people say they worry about their faith. Really? Faith is the opposite of worry. Worry destroys faith. Think about this: If you are worried about your faith then you are putting faith in your worries. If you focus on worrying about having enough faith then you are focusing on the wrong thing.

Peter says in his letter that we are to “cast” (give up, let go of, set free, release, send away) our burdens ,worries, and those things which hold us back, up to God because He loves us and will take care of us. Jesus said to Peter one stormy night, “Come.” Jesus says, “Trust me, not the world.” Why Worry?

So, if we are worried about faith and put faith in worry how can we have faith and keep from worrying?


Many of us do go to God and tell him all about our worries, don’t we? But that is all we do. We don’t leave them with Him. When we get through praying, we reach over and take them back, then spend the rest of the day worrying. When we go to prayer, we must learn to leave our worries with Him.

We look at the problems in our lives and think they are so big and insurmountable, but in reality, our entire lifetime doesn’t last long enough to even be a blip on the radar screen. The devil makes us concentrate so much on the here and now, we forget about the there and then.

Worry meets faith at the place where heaven touched earth: The Manger. Faith meets worry at the place where earth meets heaven: The Cross.

But to be able to even go before God with our worries, we must first have been saved from this world by accepting Jesus Christ as Savior; the Son of God; the only way for worry to meet faith.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday Morning 12/19/2011

"You cannot give God a definite maybe. It has to be a definite "yes" or a definite "no." The issue is you responding to Christ, not Christ responding to you."
~ Billy Graham ~

Word Power – Our communication influences others. How does your speech, your Sign language, your Facebook, Twitter, or Videophone reflect the power of Jesus Christ – The WORD – in your life?

Words for Life – “Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 NLT) The Cross is our connection to God and Eternal Life. Are you connected to the source of power to be a light to the world? Do you need an extension cord? It does not matter what road you are on in your life. All roads lead to the Cross.

Words for Unity – Is your communication Christ-like? Jesus set aside the crown and glory of heaven to become one of us. God came to experience what we experience. God came to walk among us. Unity means together, one, finished, and complete. Jesus on the Cross made us one, together, finished and complete in God. Jesus said, “It’s done.” “It’s finished.” It’s signed, sealed, and delivered.” What more do we want? He rose from the grave to overcome sin and death and lives that we too can have eternal life.

Action Words – “The issue is you responding to Jesus Christ, not Christ responding to you.” (Billy Graham) So what are you going to do now? We have work to do. So if you tell Him, "I can't do that, Lord—what if I fail?" you're really saying, "God you are not able. If you are not able I am not willing.” The truth is about us responding to Christ not Christ responding to us. Or we can say the same as the prophet Isaiah, “Here am I send me.” It’s a “yes” or “no” question. It is not a “maybe I will” or “maybe I won’t” question. God wants us to obey His leading and then let Him work out the details. To say, “Okay God….you work out the details AND THEN I will obey” is backwards.

You might feel that you do not have enough faith to obey,
But the Lord isn't asking you to have faith good circumstances.
He's asking you to have faith in ALL circumstances and trust that He is who He says He is.
Do you believe that God is Faithful? Know that God is faithful to HIS WORD – Jesus Christ. He is faithful to HIS PROMISE – Eternal Life, deliverance from sin, past present and future. He is faithful to you and me – He will NEVER leave us alone or forget us.

God is in control. Live like we have the Power of God’s Word in us. Share the Words for Life for all those who are lost. Seek Words of Unity that show our unity with God and with each other. Get into ACTION.

Then we can stand before the world and say, “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13 NLT)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday Morning 12/12/2011

We’ve talked about how our words have power. We’ve found the Words for life. But now these words need to be brought into unity. Unity means coming together. It means having a connection. It means thinking about things the same way because we know the truth.

If we understand the power of our words, how we use our words, our internet, our Video Phone, our Facebook and Twitter we know we need unity. If we understand the words of Life we would run to Jesus in every situation and seek how Jesus would do something BEFORE we think we can solve anything without Him.

In a perfect world all people would cooperate. In a perfect world there would be no argument, no obsessing about what someone else says. In a perfect world God would be in control.

Guess what…WE ALREADY LIVE in a perfect world! WHAT???? Pastor John is drinking too much Starbucks and its making him think not right. But IN TRUTH we ALL know God created the universe perfectly. God created you and me perfectly. God created our world perfectly. If this was not true, then God is not God. God only does things perfectly.

So why is the world not perfect? It is because we have turned our backs on God. When we turn our backs on God we turn our backs on each other.

Remember perfect means no blame, perfect means mature. Perfect means things are complete or finished. Many people are skilled at saying the world is not perfect because of other people. “Surely it’s not me!” They say Adam and Eve messed it up for everyone!

Where did we go wrong? It starts with you and me when we broke unity with God. Adam and Eve are only the example because they were the first. And we have been trying ever since to get the unity back. We cannot do it ourselves. Only Jesus Can! We must change our perspective back to God.

I don’t know if you have ever thought about it, but I have often wondered what it was like in heaven before the first Christmas. I have wondered what the conversation must have been within the perfect unity of the Trinity. It must have been difficult to watch from heaven and see the mess we were making. Our relationships with each other and with God are less than perfect because we are selfish. Not only that, God’s children over and over again reject God’s offer of unity with Him. How would that make you feel? I wonder if God thought, “Enough!” “It’s time to go and do something!” “It is time to straighten out this mess!”

Think for a moment…What was life like for Jesus before he came to earth?

Jesus is the Co-creator with the Father and Holy Spirit. Life in heaven was a picture of all that is perfect. It was a way of life characterized by true joy. Jesus had a limitless life with all the glory of heaven. And what did Jesus choose to do? Jesus had the courage to leave all that to be born a baby, to touch the earth, to experience how it felt to be one of us, living without unity. Because of the love He had for us, and to bring us together with heaven, He decided to come to earth for you and me. And He died so that you and I could be brought together for Eternal Life. He said from the Cross, “It is finished.” “It is perfect.”

In the person of Jesus, God experienced flesh and bones.
He suffered and grieved.
He got thirsty and hungry.
He was frustrated and disappointed.
He could no longer be everywhere at one time.
He had to have clothes to wear.
If you hit Him, it would hurt.
If you cut him, He bled

Jesus is God with us.
Jesus is God.
God lived and walked among us on the earth.
And we rejected Him.
Many still reject Him today.
Rejection is not unity.

Do you feel rejected? How do you think Jesus felt? Do you feel people ignore you? Jesus is involved in all creation. But He is interested in YOU. He has a plan for YOU. He loves YOU. He loves you enough that He put aside heaven for a short time and came to us to bring unity.

Let your heart declare today that Jesus is the Lord of your life.
Serve no other.
Love the One who loves you with unending love.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday Morning 12/5/2011

“And then he told them, “Go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone.” (Mark 16:15 NLT)

Jesus is speaking. Are we paying attention? This is a command. It is NOT a suggestion or a choice. It is NOT a command to go to some of the world and preach to all the people there. In the same way it is NOT a command to go to all the world and share the Gospel with some people and not with others. It clearly says Jesus TOLD them, “GO,” “ALL,” “SHARE GOSPEL,” “EVERYONE.”

What part of that is so hard to understand? There should be nothing hard to understand. So, either we do as Jesus says or we do not. We cannot do some of it, or parts of it, nor can we go only to some people. It is all or nothing.

Missionary/Evangelist Jim Sloan preached yesterday at Master’s Hands Deaf Church. He has spent more than 50 years traveling the world sharing Jesus Christ with Deaf. Many times he would go to a place where Deaf had never seen the Gospel shared in their own sign language or they had NO PLACE to worship or learn about the Gospel. Many times there was no one trained in sign language willing to teach things about Jesus. Many times Deaf were just there “doing what everyone else was doing.” They would stand, sit, kneel, raise hands, clap, because they saw people doing it around them. But they still did not know what was going on.

Bro. Jim estimates there are 400 million Deaf in the world. Estimates say 90% either have not been told the Gospel story, or do not understand it when they read it. It’s not because of being limited. NO WAY! Can you imagine a member of your family or your best friend with no one to tell them about Jesus, salvation, or even Grace? God asked the question several times in the Bible, “Who will go for us?” “Who is willing?”

What we fail to see sometimes is that it is not about being ABLE to do something. It is about saying YES and being AVAILABLE. “AVAILABLE” means “open,” “free,” “ready.” Are you AVAILABLE when God says to you, Will you “GO,” “ALL,” “SHARE GOSPEL,” “EVERYONE?”

Do you realize there are places in the United States, even in your own city or state, that has places where Deaf want to go to church but cannot because there is no one to come along side them and reach out to them. I know there are churches all over the place, but who will go to the Deaf?

Our answer should be that of the prophet Isaiah: “Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8 NLT)

Master’s Hands Deaf Church believes this is the call God has given us. We have been asked, “Who will go?” Our answer is, “We will go. Send us.” God answers in the hands of Jesus Christ in Sign Language, “Go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone.”

Our Holy Spirit command is to GO. “WE HAVE WORK TO DO!” This is not only for the members and friends of Master’s Hands. This is for each one of us especially now at Christmas.

Share the Savior. Share the Gospel. Share the story. “WE HAVE WORK TO DO!”