
Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Deaf Church at Cornerstone

Dear Friends of the Deaf Church at Cornerstone,

As many of you are aware, Dr. Gene Fulcher is no longer the Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church. Cornerstone Baptist Church in Swartz Creek is the church which supports the Deaf Church at Cornerstone. I have heard there are rumors and gossip going around about our situation and I would like to take a few moments and try to tell you what is going on.

Pastor Gene resigned and returned to his home in Arkansas because of his commitment to his family. His wife, who was employed by the local school district in Fayetteville was not able to join her husband here in Michigan until June. This meant they were separated from February until she came in June. She would have had to return to Arkansas the first week in August to prepare for the upcoming school year. This meant Pastor Gene and his wife would be separated again. She would not be able to join him again until she retired from her job in Arkansas. Pastor Gene also has two adult children as well as his elderly mother. Pastor Gene is a Pastor and Minister, but he is also a husband, father, and son. The members of Cornerstone respect this commitment to his family. Pastor Gene did NOT leave Cornerstone because of problems or conflicts with the church or its members.

While we are sad for Pastor Gene to resign, it was never a mistake for Pastor Gene to come to Cornerstone. I believe God had a plan in mind for joining Pastor Gene with Cornerstone for the short time, and that is a plan known only to God. Cornerstone was going through a period of healing after the death of Dr. McLaughlin last year. God brought Pastor Gene as the healer, and as the one willing to lead Cornerstone to the next level. Some of the members did not agree with Pastor Gene and found other churches to attend. We pray for them and thank God for working in their lives. Pastor Gene brought unity and a deeper desire to serve God and see the lost come to know Jesus Christ as Savior. The church was becoming excited about winning souls and bringing new families to worship and to knowing Jesus as Savior.

For the people who stayed as well as the new people coming into the church, Pastor Gene brought a new sense of excitement. Pastor Gene brought a new excitement to serving God. And wow…HOW MUCH Pastor Gene loves the Deaf Church!! His encouragement and positive support gave me, as the Lay Pastor of the Deaf Church, the boldness and freedom to do whatever is necessary to reach the Deaf Community for Jesus Christ. Personally, Pastor Gene will be missed.

Vonnie Taylor, a member of Cornerstone, as well as a member of the Deaf Church at Cornerstone says, “God used Gene Fulcher and his love of souls, energy and excitement to start a spark in Cornerstone and the church is better prepared for the man God has planned as our next pastor.” I agree with Vonnie.

Our church is searching for the next man to serve as Senior Pastor and I look forward to see what God has planned. Please do not misunderstand what is happening at Cornerstone and The Deaf Church at Cornerstone. We are not closing our doors and the people of Cornerstone continue serving God in unity. I respectfully ask that the rumors and gossip stop. If anyone has questions or comments, please let me know directly and I will do my best to get you whatever information you feel you may need. I would ask for you to pray for us at Cornerstone as we seek God’s man for our Senior Pastor.

The focus of any church is not on the man in the position of Pastor. The focus must be on God as provider, Jesus Christ as Savior, and joining God’s work at becoming soul-winners for Him. God Bless you as we move forward. We serve an Awesome God and have a Savior that is the King of Kings and will return soon.

In His Service,
John Bienlein
Lay Pastor
The Deaf Church at Cornerstone

Friday, July 24, 2009

Deaf Devotion 7/24/2009

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 KJV

I normally plan devotions 3 to 4 weeks ahead as the Holy Spirit leads me in what He wants me to present. Then I will write and develop the devotions as the Holy Spirit leads me. It is interesting how God lives in the future and is in so total control of what will happen.

I had Psalm 23:4 as the verse to use for today. God had a reason. The past few weeks have been a struggle for me personally. Some say because I am a Pastor, I am not supposed to think that way. Some will say it is normal. Others will try to say it is just fate or luck or chance. Guess what. I really struggled with some things. That is the truth of the matter. But you know what? God is bigger.

Friends, there is nothing that will bring us more face-to-face with God than going through the dark valleys of life. When we are there, we cling to His garments and hold onto His hand. We will not stray far from the fold in the dark.

Do you believe that God is with us? Are we willing to say it out loud? The ultimate Sovereign is our loving Savior. We will not have to cross Jordan alone. We will not appear before the judgment of a Holy God alone.

“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” 1 John 4:4 NLT

The One who created the valley is there with us! He knows the way through the valley. It is not a place where we will stay but it is a place of passage. He knows every twist and turn, every changing shadow, every hidden place where danger lurks — God is with us and has promised never to leave us alone!

Focus on the light and not the darkness. God has made us to walk through shadows. When the shadow approaches, we must walk through. God is greater than the temptation, sin, and death that is in us! He is our Jehovah Shamah — the Lord ever-present. His grace is greater. His peace is purer. His devotion is dearer. Where Satan casts a shadow, our Sovereign Lord reigns supreme.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Bonus Deaf Devotion 7/20/2009

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”
Philippians 2:13 NLT

One of the greatest lessons we can learn from God is that He does not want us to do anything FOR Him.

Does that shock you? Maybe surprise you?

God actually wants to do something through us. Notice I said THROUGH us – not FOR us.

I have heard people say, “Well, I just serve God in my poor, little, old weak way.” Or “I do not know what to say.” Or “I can’t.” Or the most popular, “God, You must have the wrong person.”

I feel like saying, “Well, quit it.” Stop thinking that way. God does not want us serving Him in our “poor, little, old weak way.” To say “I can’t” really means “I won’t.”

He wants us out of the way, so He can send His blessing and Gospel through us! We need to make ourselves available to God and say, “God, You know my ability. I am giving you my availability. God, I want You to live Your life through me.”

We need to put aside our plans, goals, and pride and stop standing in the way of God. Instead, God wants us to surrender to HIM and let HIM live through us.

Believe that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works mightily within us. (Eph. 3:20) His power is able to do far beyond what we think is possible. But remember - He will do it in HIS time, in HIS way and with HIS scheduling in mind.

Spirit of the Living God
Fall fresh on me
Spirit of the Living God
Fall fresh on me
Melt me
Mold me
Fill me
Use me
Spirit of the Living God
Fall fresh on me

The selfless love to which God calls you and me produces a deep joy in our hearts. This joy or happiness of the Spirit has three dimensions. Joy is the assurance of faith that we are acceptable to God. It is the assurance that God knows what He is doing and is in control. This joy is an inner calm produced by confidence in God.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Deaf Devotion 7/17/2009

“So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!” Psalm 31:24 NLT

Who knows us better than the One who created us? Let Jesus lead the way.

Who cares more for us than the One Who died for us? Let Jesus lead the way.

Who leads us more carefully than the One Who knows the end from the beginning? Let Jesus lead the way.

There is no greater picture of courage than the picture of Jesus Christ – the Savior Who lays down His life. We have the promise of eternity because the One Who loves us is compassionate, caring, and courageous.

Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves. He cares for us. He is the door. He is the Son of God. He is Lord and Savior.

GOD is willing and able to mend:
Broken hearts
Broken homes
Broken hopes
Broken health
Broken happiness
If we let him

How strong is our courage?
Do we become weak when we have temptation or when life’s problems come along? Or do we go forward with increasing faith in Jesus and trusting in God?

Let Jesus lead the way.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Deaf Devotion 7/10/2009

“So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7 NLT

When God brought us into this universe, He did not make us to abandon us. When God finished His first creation, He smiled and said, “It is good.” How could God NOT be pleased with His creation?

But then sin came into the world, and we broke fellowship with our Creator. Because of His great love and mercy toward us, God sent His only Son to bring us back to Himself.

Now, when we are saved, we become a new creation, and God says, “It is good.” And God says, “It is forever.” When sin soiled our garments, God sent the righteous robes of His Son for us to wear. Now we are washed in His blood, clean in His sight, and forever in His heart.

Christians, at one time or another, have been troubled by worry. If not confronted, it robs us of real joy; real usefulness to God; and an eternal reward. You will note that I said “rob us of our eternal reward.” It does not take away our salvation. Salvation is the “gift” of God and not the product of our good works. “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.” (Ephesians 2:8-9 NLT). The eternal reward that we will receive will be given to us at the Judgment Seat of Christ for the things we have done to glorify God and lead people to faith in Jesus Christ.

There is no person excluded from God’s care, nor is there any aspect of their lives that is excluded from his care and concern.

It would be sad to know that God existed but he did not know our needs. But God really does know!

It would be terrible if God knew our needs but did not care about our circumstances. But God really does care!

It would be tragic if God knew our needs but was unable to do anything about them. But God is more than able.

But because God knows and God is able and God cares, we can be assured that God will do what He says He will do. The fact is that God is the only one that can provide for the personal and emotional needs in whatever situation we have.

The truth is we are washed in His blood, clean in His sight, and forever in His heart.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Deaf Devotion 7/3/2009

“Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures. The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep.” John10:9-11 NLT

Abundant life is God’s plan for everyone. In fact, it's God's plan for all Christians.

Now, what is abundant life? It is life where all of our needs are met. But more than that, abundant life is where we have enough to bless others. Not only do we receive a blessing but we become a blessing.

The abundant life that Jesus promised is not just life in the sweet by and by. It is abundant life right now in the nasty now and now. Every day and in every way we are to be having victory in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.

The abundant life produced by Jesus’ resurrection is a living and active reality. It produces the life of hope in which the eternal power of God is at work. And this abundant life of hope finds its anchor in the One who is alive even now.

The abundant life is not a product of human wishes, and it does not depend on the passing and perishing hopes of this self-focused world.

Abundant life is based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Nothing else.

And it is a unique and personal event.

This is what we as Christians celebrate every day!

The resurrection is the crowning triumph of abundant life in this created universe!
In the beginning, God created order out of chaos; then He brought light into darkness. Then He created human life in his own image. Finally, when our love failed, God brought reconciliation between Himself and us in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is not only a historical figure. He lives now as Savior and Lord. He will be with us always. Jesus Christ is our assurance that the future is meaningful and has purpose. Jesus is the example that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him,” and that the last word is the abundant life that Jesus’ resurrection brings. Those who are saved through the new birth and the live the abundant life can face the future with a spirit of triumph. There is no need to lose hope when we confront trials. We have the promise of life abundant, satisfying, and full.