
Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Deaf Church at Cornerstone

Dear Friends of the Deaf Church at Cornerstone,

As many of you are aware, Dr. Gene Fulcher is no longer the Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church. Cornerstone Baptist Church in Swartz Creek is the church which supports the Deaf Church at Cornerstone. I have heard there are rumors and gossip going around about our situation and I would like to take a few moments and try to tell you what is going on.

Pastor Gene resigned and returned to his home in Arkansas because of his commitment to his family. His wife, who was employed by the local school district in Fayetteville was not able to join her husband here in Michigan until June. This meant they were separated from February until she came in June. She would have had to return to Arkansas the first week in August to prepare for the upcoming school year. This meant Pastor Gene and his wife would be separated again. She would not be able to join him again until she retired from her job in Arkansas. Pastor Gene also has two adult children as well as his elderly mother. Pastor Gene is a Pastor and Minister, but he is also a husband, father, and son. The members of Cornerstone respect this commitment to his family. Pastor Gene did NOT leave Cornerstone because of problems or conflicts with the church or its members.

While we are sad for Pastor Gene to resign, it was never a mistake for Pastor Gene to come to Cornerstone. I believe God had a plan in mind for joining Pastor Gene with Cornerstone for the short time, and that is a plan known only to God. Cornerstone was going through a period of healing after the death of Dr. McLaughlin last year. God brought Pastor Gene as the healer, and as the one willing to lead Cornerstone to the next level. Some of the members did not agree with Pastor Gene and found other churches to attend. We pray for them and thank God for working in their lives. Pastor Gene brought unity and a deeper desire to serve God and see the lost come to know Jesus Christ as Savior. The church was becoming excited about winning souls and bringing new families to worship and to knowing Jesus as Savior.

For the people who stayed as well as the new people coming into the church, Pastor Gene brought a new sense of excitement. Pastor Gene brought a new excitement to serving God. And wow…HOW MUCH Pastor Gene loves the Deaf Church!! His encouragement and positive support gave me, as the Lay Pastor of the Deaf Church, the boldness and freedom to do whatever is necessary to reach the Deaf Community for Jesus Christ. Personally, Pastor Gene will be missed.

Vonnie Taylor, a member of Cornerstone, as well as a member of the Deaf Church at Cornerstone says, “God used Gene Fulcher and his love of souls, energy and excitement to start a spark in Cornerstone and the church is better prepared for the man God has planned as our next pastor.” I agree with Vonnie.

Our church is searching for the next man to serve as Senior Pastor and I look forward to see what God has planned. Please do not misunderstand what is happening at Cornerstone and The Deaf Church at Cornerstone. We are not closing our doors and the people of Cornerstone continue serving God in unity. I respectfully ask that the rumors and gossip stop. If anyone has questions or comments, please let me know directly and I will do my best to get you whatever information you feel you may need. I would ask for you to pray for us at Cornerstone as we seek God’s man for our Senior Pastor.

The focus of any church is not on the man in the position of Pastor. The focus must be on God as provider, Jesus Christ as Savior, and joining God’s work at becoming soul-winners for Him. God Bless you as we move forward. We serve an Awesome God and have a Savior that is the King of Kings and will return soon.

In His Service,
John Bienlein
Lay Pastor
The Deaf Church at Cornerstone