
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mid Week Deaf Devotion 10/27/2009

I would like to share something from my heart. It has been on my heart and mind for several days.

I briefly shared on Sunday evening that I had learned that one of the largest if not THE largest group that is unreached with the Gospel is the Deaf. Why is that? It is a burden I have to answer that question. It is also a burden I have to reach as many Deaf and Hearing as possible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The numbers do not matter. The relationship matters. Your relationship with Jesus Christ is what matters.

I am reading a book called, “The Spiritual Leader” by Paul W. Chappell

He talks about leading through a crisis. My friends, the times in which we live are a crisis. We need to come together as the Body of Christ for the sole purpose of telling everyone we know about Jesus Christ and about the eternal life that God promises by faith in Jesus.

“Trials are times when God rewrites your agenda. What was important must now take a back seat to the immediate need." (Chappell p.273) We are called to go to the need. It is no longer important for us to take the Gospel the Deaf, it is an immediate NEED. Jesus commanded us to go to the ends of the earth to bring the Gospel and make disciples. That includes EVERYONE. We NEED to go not because it is important, but because Jesus said “GO!”

Going to the need is not always easy or comfortable. But God promises strength. “He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:29-31 NLT)

“God uses suffering to prepare us for greater ministry.” (Chappell p.277) People around us are suffering. Uncertainty, trouble, chaos, war, lies, false teachers and prophets, a great falling away from God’s plan; PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING. The ministry is ours. The harvest is ripe. The suffering we see around us is more than sometimes we see in our own lives. Sometimes it is not. How do we relieve suffering in others? How do we relieve our own suffering? We minister to ourselves by ministering to others. We share God’s Word, We share the Gospel. We share what Jesus has done for us, the miracles, the redemption, the sacrifice for the single purpose of bringing grace and peace. “So encourage each other with these words.” (1 Thessalonians 4:18 NLT)

Pastor Chappell concludes, “If God leads you into a season of trials, you can expect that it is preceding a season of victories. Don’t quit. Don’t get discouraged. Keep your eyes on the Lord and keep leading forward. Soon enough the clouds will part and you will see God’s purpose in all of the trials. The reward will be worth the enduring.” (Chappell p.277) Victory is right around the corner. Our salvation was won at the cross once and for all.

Friends, we are in a season of trials. My burden is to make sure all Deaf know God loves them. My burden is to make sure all Deaf with who I have contact know Jesus Christ gives eternal life. My greatest dream is to meet my Deaf brothers and sisters in heaven where the first voice they hear will be the voice of Jesus saying, “Welcome Home.”

To my friends and family I say the burden is huge. The harvest is ready. And the time for action is NOW. If you yourself do not know Jesus as Savior, accept Him as Savior RIGHT NOW. If you do not know how, ask me. Ask a friend. Ask God to lead you to a person who can share the Gospel. If you already know Jesus as Savior, GO NOW and become a soul winner. Lead others to Jesus Christ. Pray for strength. Pray for Opportunity.

God is glorified. Jesus is exalted.

Now GO!