
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mid Week Deaf Devotion 11/3/2009

Note from John B: These mid week devotions I think I am going to call our “mid-week-pick-me-ups.” These are things God puts on my heart through the Holy Spirit. In the past, these are things that I have held until the regular weekly devotion. But now I am going to follow the Holy Spirit and share these little nuggets of wisdom, not from me, but from God’s heart to ours.

“And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”
Ephesians 4:30-32 NLT

On the surface this is a solid promise as well as a plan of action.

Thank God He has identified us as HIS children. Thank God He promises we will be saved on the day of redemption. Thank God we have eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

But God wants us to get rid of the garbage in our life.

Think about it. We collect potato peelings, old newspapers, dirty rags, dust, dirt, hairballs and lots of other icky stuff. We put it in bags and put the bags in a trash can or dumpster. We take the garbage out of our house or apartment. Then mysteriously (and sometimes loudly) someone comes in the middle of the night and takes away what we do not want.

I do not know about you, but when my garbage is gone, it stays gone. I do not plan on it coming back. It does not mysteriously show up again. Although, there are some skunks in the neighborhood that think it is funny to decorate MY lawn with MY garbage.

This is what Paul is sharing with the church at Ephesus here. Get rid of the garbage. Instead, when your house is free of garbage, life becomes better, more positive, and more God-focused.

Let’s look at what Paul warns us that we are supposed to get rid of:

“Bitterness” – The Greek word here is “πικρία.” (pikria) It means sour fruit from a sour tree. It is where we get our word “pickle.” If one’s heart is sour, then one will show bitter fruit. Working for God will be a chore instead of service. Worshipping God will be an interruption instead of an honor. If the root is sour, the fruit will be sour. Get rid of it! Garbage!

“Rage” – This is also known as wrath – The Greek word here is “θυμός”. (thymos) This is an anger which builds up and calms down. It builds up again and calms down again. It builds and builds until it explodes. How often do we hear the words “road rage” used in society? Rage can be explosive. Once something explodes can you put it back together? Not always. Get rid of rage! Garbage!

“Anger” – “ὀργή” (orgē) – Have you heard of the movie “Shrek?” See how close this is to the word “ogre?” Shrek was grumpy, set in his ways, crabby, controlling, and sometimes downright nasty. Some people do not want to be around us either because we are in a bad mood. We are grumpy, and sometimes downright nasty to be around. What is the example we follow? Shrek? I hope not. Get rid of the spirit of anger! Garbage!

“Harsh words and slander” – This is also known as “clamor.” – “κραυγή” (kraugē) It is the spirit the majority of us posses that when things do not go our way, we complain. We “murmur.” The Israelites were clamoring in the desert when things were not going exactly as they planned. Some thought it better to take their chances back in slavery in Egypt than to stay focused on what God had planned for them. They looked for someone to blame. They found Moses. When we do not get what we want we become spoiled children who did not get what they want. We become complainers. When we become complainers, we become blamers. “Well if I cannot have this, then nobody else will. I will destroy the name of the other person to get what I want. The Israelites wanted to destroy the name of Moses. Moses was God’s chosen prophet to lead them to the Promised Land. The people “clamored” that everything was ALL Moses’ fault. But no, it was their fault for not having faith God would keep His promise. How much does the world want to destroy God’s name today? How must does what we do NOT bring glory to God? Think about it. Get rid of slander and harsh words! Garbage!

When we get rid of the garbage, remodel with new stuff. Better, improved, updated, more polished, and shiny stuff.

“Be kind to each other” – “χρηστός” (chrēstos) – This is a word that means useful. Help each other out. When someone sins, come along side and bring them back to the fellowship. When someone is tempted, let God use you to be a place for escape from the temptation. It is to become Christ-likein all we say, do, think, act and feel. The Holy Spirit is also known as the “advocate.” This means to come along side another for the purpose of helping them carry the load. Share the burden.

“Tenderhearted” – “εὔσπλαγχνος” (eusplagchnos) This means to act with compassion. Have a heart for the lost. Have a heart for those who are hurting and struggling. Jesus was tenderhearted toward the people of Jerusalem because they were rejecting Him as Savior. So much so He wept for Jerusalem. But did Jesus have a pity party for Himself? NO! He died on the cross so you can I can have eternal life. Being tenderhearted is to get up and do something. Have compassion, yes, but do as God leads you do take care of someone else’s pain. Share the burden.

“Forgiving” – “χαρίζομαι” (charizomai). To Forgive. Wow. Favor someone with a clean slate. This is a biggie. Is it easy? Nobody said it is easy. Freely give grace, favor, and be generous with all people around us. Not those who we like, but also those who we dislike. (See reference to Shrek above) Share the burden.

But, Pastor John, Why should we do this. Paul sums is all up in a nice little package. I can picture the people of Ephesus saying, “Why should I if so-and-so will not?” You know what? I can picture any one of us in any of our churches any place on the planet saying the exact same thing today.

Paul concludes this with “…, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” God loved us first. God gave His best – He gave His Son, Jesus. Because of this we should “go and do likewise.” We are children of God. He knows what He is doing. Let’s clean our house and get rid of the garbage so we can invite the King of Kings and Lord of Lords into our life. God cannot and will not live in a dirty house.

Garbage! Get rid of it!