“Then the whole population of Lydda and Sharon saw Aeneas walking around, and they turned to the Lord.” (Acts 9:35 NLT)
What had these people witnessed caused them to immediately believe? They had seen how one person, when they focus on the power of God, can have a miracle. The person is Peter and he had just healed Aenas who could not walk. Peter’s simple act in the name of Jesus Christ changed and entire community. It changed more cities than we know! People in the next city had heard of Peter and called him there for another miracle. The Name of Jesus was spreading quickly.
Can an entire community be transformed for Jesus Christ? The book of Acts reveals that at least one city was.
What does God want us to do to change communities to have faith in His Son Jesus Christ? What are we willing to do?
There are four key ingredients required to see a city transformed. These include prayer, humility, unity, and knowledge of God's ways.
In every community in which change needs to happen, believers come together to pray specifically for their community. Prayer changes the spiritual focus. Some of the main areas of influence that must be the focus of our prayers includes churches and businesses; the legal, political, educational and medical fields; and the media/entertainment industry. All believers must be in prayer for the lost souls of their city. All believers should pray for the opportunity to share the Gospel in their community.
God uses men and women who recognize that they need each other and who do not seek glory for their work. "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way" (Psalm 25:9). God’s servant-leaders only will give glory to God.
Jesus said, "May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me" (John 17:23). God calls each of us individually and as a member of a larger community to represent Christ to the world. But what happens is that we become rebellious. Our independence, pride and egos often prevent us from becoming unified in the purposes of Christ. It is not about us. It is all about the free grace offered by God and for the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross once and for all.
Knowledge of God's Ways
Sometimes leaders can move in what they think is best instead of in faith that God knows what is best. Such was the case of David, who wanted to bring the Ark of the Covenant into the city of Jerusalem. He was zealous for God and celebrated as he brought the Ark into the city. However, the ark was being carried into the city on a cart instead of by priests on poles, as God required. When a man named Uzzah reached out to catch the Ark when the oxen stumbled, he was immediately struck dead by God. David was devastated. He lacked knowledge of God's ways.
Do we want to see our communities changed? There is power in the Name.
The results of Peter using the powerful name of Jesus caused not one but two entire cities to turn to Jesus. Often we praise God when three or four people accept Jesus for salvation. But why stop at three or four people? What about a community, a state, a nation? But in the Book of Acts we find two communities turning from their old ways and discovering a life in Christ. There is power in the Name.
This is what can happen when we take ourselves out of the equation and allow the Lord to have His way. I know we were taught in Philippians 4:13 that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, but sometime we need to call on the marvelous name of Jesus Christ alone. There is power in the Name.
We sometimes call on His name with doubting and wondering if it is in His will to do what we ask. But when we put our focus wholly on Jesus and take the human factor out of it, wonderful things happen.
If God’s people ever got serious about praying, communities and lives can be changed. There is power in the Name.
When Peter was traveling, he was not on a day trip to Key West. He went with a purpose. He wanted people to know the power that comes in the name of Jesus Christ. So because Peter put Jesus’ name first and foremost and left himself out of the picture, the results were amazing. Two communities turned to the Lord.
There is awesome power in the name of Jesus.
Hello Again!!
7 years ago