Pastor's Note: Please forgive my absence for a couple weeks. It has been full of activity preparing for the launch of Master's Hands Deaf Church (See update below). I thank each person involved in the hard work of preparing the building, assisting in worship and uplifting us in prayer as we start a new journey reaching the Deaf in our area. To God be the Glory! Great things He has done! -Pastor John-
Ahead with today's devotion:
“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised)” (Hebrews 10:23 KJV)
Let’s be honest. How often do we catch ourselves feeling "hopeful"?
“Hope” is one of those mysterious feelings. It sometimes comes across as an ”emotion” or “view” that we seem to know more when we don’t think about more than when we do think about it. It should not be that way, but it often is. Most times we may not recall the last time we felt hope-full, but we can probably remember the last time we felt hope-less.
Hope, often taken for granted, is nothing more than rock-solid assurance that what God has said is true and will happen. It will happen even when there is nothing except His Word to back up what He says He will do. Hope does not depend on a person’s circumstances. God says our hope is all about our relationship with Jesus Christ. With Jesus as Savior, we ALL have a place in heaven. Jesus said that in His Father’s house are many mansions. That means a place in heaven with your and my name on the door. (Mine has a Starbucks next door too!!!)
Seeing is not the same as believing. Hoping is believing! We walk by faith and not by sight. Hope is the knowledge and confidence that wells up as a result of our believing God. There's a fine line between the two, and one must take a close look to understand fully the difference. A person must believe before they can hope, and hope happens as soon as you believe. So if today we are walking confidently in our relationship with Christ, if we are at peace about today and the future, if Jesus holds the key to your and my future, we are full of hope. We are hope-“full”. When we are hope-“full” there is no room for doubt. A glass full of water will become full before it overflows.
What happens when we become hope-“full”? Our hope overflows and we tell others about the rock-solid assurance that God has a place for EVERYBODY in heaven through a personal relationship of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior.
The Bible says to "hold fast” to the Hope, the assurance, and the promise we already have. It was finished at the cross. When Jesus died, the temple veil was torn. Heaven was opened and God is calling His children to come home through Jesus Christ. Stay hopeful by staying faithful, just as God is faithful.
When we hold fast, it means we are “unshakeable.” It means confidence. It means trust. It means assurance.
When we are “unshakeable” we:
1. Depend on Jesus Christ – It’s not about what we do. It’s about what Jesus did for everyone at the Cross.
2. Plan for Growth – We seek to be the hope-“full” person where the hope we already have overflows to others. It is the growth in a closer relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.
3. Meet with friends – We have fellowship with others. We have fellowship with God.
4. Encourage others – Our community strengthens our faith. We see someone struggling we come alongside to encourage. We see someone rejoicing we come alongside and help them share their joy.
5. Stay connected - Too many of us are “off and on” or “hot and cold.” We plug in then we pull out. We’re like yoyos – up and down, up and down. The people who are unshakeable are the ones with the HOPE.
Hope means believing that God is in control when things are otherwise hopeless.
Hello Again!!
7 years ago