“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13 KJV)
Anyone who studies the way God does things soon realizes the way God does things is quite different from the way we humans do things. Worldly wisdom says that extraordinary people and abundant resources are needed for great success. But God often chooses the small and insignificant to achieve His purposes on earth. The King James translation of today’s verse uses the words “unlearned and ignorant” and at the same time there was amazement at Peter’s and John’s boldness in their testimony.
“Unlearned and ignorant” are not pretty, positive, or uplifting words in the English language. Most of us would be offended if someone said that about us. But let’s go back to the original language. The real context of this is that Peter and John were ordinary men with no special training in theology or spiritual things. Yet they spoke with authority, and the council “marveled.” This means they were amazed, even shocked. This is the same amazement the Pharisees had when Jesus at a young age was teaching the teachers in the temple. He spoke with an authority that only God can bring. This is the same amazement the Rabbis had when Jesus preached in church in His hometown.
Think about it. Jesus called a rather unimpressive group of men as disciples, yet after being filled with the Spirit, they literally changed the world with their testimony. During His ministry on earth, Jesus fed thousands with an unknown child's meager everyday lunch, and He viewed the lonely unnamed widow's two small coins as a greater offering than all the other generous offerings.
God specializes in using people who aren't naturally qualified to accomplish His tasks. Moses was an 80-year-old shepherd with a speech problem who brought an oppressed nation out of Israel. After Gideon hid from the enemy, God made him a valiant warrior. David was the overlooked youngest son who killed a giant with a small stone and became Israel's greatest king.
God isn't looking for impressive people. God is not looking for ability. God is looking for availability. He wants those who are willing to bow the knee in humble submission. Being weak and ordinary doesn't make us useless. Rather, it puts us in a place for God to show HIS divine power in our lives. He takes anyone at any level and takes delight in making them great to do great things for HIM.
The religious community during the time of Jesus was given to proud, conceited and snobbish attitudes. The Pharisees boastingly told Jesus: “But we are descendants of Abraham,” they said. “We have never been slaves to anyone. What do you mean, ‘You will be set free’?” (John 8:33 NLT)
Peter and John had for three and one-half years studied at the feet of the greatest Teacher in the history of the world but their demeanor was one of humility, grace and magnificent simplicity.
Have we ever considered that what we think is our lack of ability, talent, or skill is really the ideal setting for a great display of Christ's power and glory? If we are willing to submit to His leading and move forward into the scary yet rewarding territory of faith and obedience, He will do great things in and through us. We are called as “ignorant and unlearned” to obey, and then trust God with the details, not the other way around.
Hello Again!!
7 years ago