Have you ever thought to yourself, “There has to be a better way” to say something or to express a thought that words just cannot seem to say the right way? That happened to me. I was thinking about Thanksgiving.
I was thinking about the holiday. It’s the last Thursday in November. Then the day after is known as “Black Friday.” It’s not called that because of the weather, or the attitude of people waiting to claw their way to the front of the line to get the after-Thanksgiving Christmas specials. It is a business term. When a business is in the “red” they are earning less than they need for a profit. When they are in the “black” they are earning profits. “Black Friday” is the day many businesses earn most of their profit for the year. I saw this posted on Facebook and I shared it yesterday at church: “Black Friday is a day people go crazy buying things we do not have just one day after giving thanks for the things we do have.” We have truly lost our Thanksgiving perspective.
Thanksgiving is not only a holiday on the last Thursday in November. It is not the “start” of the Christmas season. Giving thanks is not a one-day event. Giving thanks is a way to live. Thanksgiving becomes “Thanks-living.”
In the Bible the Apostle Paul, and many others said more than one time that we are to give thanks in ALL situations: Good, bad, planned, unexpected, joys, sorrows, tears, and a Starbucks that is closed. Do you know if you translate the word “everything” from Greek or Hebrew or Aramaic in the Bible what it means? It means “EVERYTHING!” ALL means all. Forever means FOREVER.
So this is where a “special” word comes in. I used it yesterday at church and those paying attention asked me if I had forgotten to use spell-check on my computer. The word is “THANKSGLIVING.”
THANKSGLIVING is the combination of giving thanks, living our thankfulness, and celebrating the blessings God has for each of us. How many blessings do we receive each day? The answer is ALL of them. There are more blessings than we can count but not too many so we cannot count each one. We are blessed to have blessings of life, burdens of life, and benefits of life.
THANKSGLIVING has blessings also because it changes our view of a “normal” Thanksgiving.
- It helps us focus on what God provides more than what we want or what we DO NOT have.
- It helps us focus on God’s free gift of GRACE.
- It helps us to focus on the positive results of negative things.
- It gives us hope for the future. God has something BETTER planned for us.
- If we are “living” and “giving” our “thanks” in ALL things, Our THANKSGLIVING will affect and help those around us.
Our thanks is to be lived and thanks is to be given. Everyday should be spent in an attitude of THANKSGLIVING.
Christmas is the season of Jesus Christ. THANKSGLIVING is done in HIS name. Celebrate THANKSGLIVING every day.
Hello Again!!
7 years ago