
Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Morning 11/14/2011

Yesterday we heard God’s preaching from James Chapter 3. James was tired of hearing people talk about his brother Jesus in a way that brought shame to Jesus. He was trying to tell people to control their tongues. He is not telling us what to say. He is telling us to think about what we say. Why? He used the word “tame” in the same way we talk about trying to tame a wild animal. We need to bring our tongues under control, teach it limits, and change its use from acting without thinking of what happens to using our “tongues” in a way that glorifies God.

Sounds easy, right? Not so much…..

The word James uses for “tongue” is the word γλῶσσα “glossa.” If one studies the word it has three meanings.

1. The physical tongue in our mouths.
2. What we use to communicate.
3. Language

We need to realize that we not only use words or Sign Language to communicate. Our “tongue” gives a “voice” to what we are thinking. Think of how we do that. Some people use their voice, some people use their hands. Is that all? No, there is also body language and facial expression. Think about it. Usually our bodies will tell others what we are thinking even before we use any words.

Again, is that all there is? Let’s go to another level. When we cannot “talk” to another person, what do we do? We use computers, laptops, cell phones, video phones, and yes even Facebook. All of these things become our “tongues” in one way or another.

Do you say one thing on Facebook to someone and then say something different on the videophone?

You see, our tongue can either burn the Kingdom of God, or it can build it. Simply by what comes out of our mouths can destroy what God is trying to accomplish in and through a ministry, or it can build it. So this morning I want to ask you, “Is your tongue productive or destructive?”

The Bible compares an untamed tongue to hell’s fire. But there is another fire. It is the burning fire of the Holy Spirit. That is the kind of fire God’s church is hungry for and desperately needs.

I have always heard that “the best way to fight fire is with fire.” So we are going to worship the Lord, and ask the Holy Spirit to burn out all the junk and restore relationships, friendships, marriages, and yes restore HIS church.

This week, focus on how God can use our “tongues” not to destroy or discourage, but to build up and encourage. In that way God is glorified.