
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday Morning 9/17/2012

Pastor and author Adrian Rogers wrote this:
“Did you know that it is an impossibility of geography to have a valley without a mountain?
They are beautiful complements in God’s grand creation.
The valley is the place of vision. It is the place of repose and reflection.
The mountain is the place of discovery and a place to become strong.
If you find yourself in a valley, it is because you have come down from a mountain.
If you’re on a mountain, you came to that place by way of the valley.”

How do you deal with the mountains and valleys of “life?” We all have days where we want to shout how great things are. Things are going along pleasantly, and we feel good about ourselves and the world around us. Then something comes up and we feel kicked to the curb, overwhelmed and that this is just a horrible, terrible, not good, very bad day. One minute we’re on the mountaintop and the next we’re passing through that valley that feels like, as the writer of Psalm 23 writes, “The valley of the shadow of death.”

The writer of Psalms 41 must have felt like he was in a pressure cooker and couldn’t catch a break. So he wrote from his heart the words of the Psalms as he sought to deal with the stresses of his life. But one theme stands out. “God is our protection and source of strength. He is always ready to help us in times of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

And he’s right. Think about it. In today’s world can seem next to impossible to just catch a break. But there is some truth to how our trust in God can make all the difference in how we are able to handle the things that may happen to us in life.

We feel we are stuck in the valley and no end is in sight. Nations are in an uproar. Mankind seems to be falling apart. Our personal lives are under attack from many sides. But we, as Christians, don’t have to be stuck in a valley. The God of the Valley is also the God the mountaintop.

Do you realize what the Psalmist is saying? He seems to be saying that in the middle of everything he has decided that he will no longer let his life be filled with stress and anxiety. Why? It’s for one reason:  “God is my refuge and my strength."

I wonder if we have forgotten how to relax. We are so wrapped up in what’s happening around us. We feel we must tell others how to live their lives. The psalmist says later, “God says, “Stop fighting and know that I am God! I am the one who defeats the nations; I am the one who controls the world.” (Psalm 46:10)

God is always near and available to us. God is always available and concerned with what we have to say. Some of our problems may be superficial, but others are deep. God can and will help us. So talk to Him! Then listen to Him through His Word find out what he has to say!

God’s power is greater than anything this world can offer. He alone controls the wind, storms, earthquakes, and volcanoes. There is no greater power. God’s power is sufficient to win the victory over all the enemies that come our way. So don’t be afraid to ask for His help.

Always remember this: Whether we at the peak of a mountain or whether we are in a valley. God’s help works even when we can’t help ourselves. Remember as we climb up the mountain, as we reach the peak, everything around us is a valley. And at the same time when we are in a valley it looks like we could never climb out. Everything around us is a mountain.

Have you felt weak lately? Have you felt like there are too many stresses and that you’re about ready to explode? God’s help is available, and all you have to do is reach out for it, and grab hold.

If Jesus is not Lord and Savior of your life, please realize that He wants you to come to Him, accepting His love, receiving His forgiveness, and becoming a part of His family. God is with us in the valley and on the mountaintop. Don’t wait another day.