
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Deaf Devotion 5/30/2009

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Pay attention and do not stop praying for all believers everywhere.” (Ephesians 6:18 NLT)

Some time ago, there was a woman traveling by ocean liner crossing the Atlantic from New York to England. She asked a sailor one morning how long it should take them to arrive.

"If it is God's will, we will arrive in Liverpool in a few days." said the sailor.

"If it is God's will!" said the woman; "That does not make sense! Don't you know that everything happens by chance?"

The next day a terrible storm arose and the woman stood seasick and bent over in painful agony.

"How long do you think the storm will last?" she asked the same sailor as before.

"It seems likely to last some time, madam." He replied.

"Oh!" she cried, "Pray that the storm will stop and nothing terrible happen and that we may not be killed!"

The sailor’s reply was, "Madam, shall I pray to God Almighty or to chance?"

Oftentimes, it takes pain to get us to really pray. This is the very reason God allows us to experience difficult times. God wants to bring us to a place where we are reminded of our great need for Him. So when God allows pain in our lives, let us not delay in falling to our knees, confessing our dependence upon Him, and establishing a consistent prayer life.

We will experience times of trial and testing from God. But there will be times of blessing as well. Let us still fall to our knees and continue to confess our dependence on Him.

Prayer is constant communication with our creator.

“Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”
Corrie ten Boom

Friday, May 29, 2009


Please let me take a few moments to share some news from the past couple days. Brenda, Kayla, and I returned today from graduation at Bethany Seminary in Dothan, Alabama. God, once again, and as always has shown Himself as the glorious, mighty, loving, and all powerful creator of the universe. He is worthy of praise and honor in all things and in all ways.

Yesterday, May 28, I graduated from Bethany with a Master of Arts Degree in Religion – Theology. This is part one of a two part Masters Degree program. The second part of the program is next and that is a Master of Theological Studies. I should graduate from that program in two years. The next step after that is a Doctorate in Theological Studies in two more years.

There were two surprises at graduation. First, I was one of ten students who graduated “summa cum laude.” This is Latin and is defined as, “With Highest Honor.” I was able to complete my program with a 4.0 grade point average.

The second surprise was a special award. Bethany has their main campus in Dothan, Alabama. Bethany also has extension campuses in Albany, GA; Newfoundland, Canada; and South Korea. Each year there are four students chosen, one from each campus, to receive an award called “The Spirit of Bethany.” Imagine my surprise when my name was called for the Alabama campus award. I later asked how I had been chosen. I was told it is for students who go above and beyond in their coursework, their involvement in ministry, and their commitment to spread the Gospel.

While I am truly honored and humbled to have achieved these things, I must say that God is the one who directed and controlled all of it. The honors and achievements are meant to be used to glorify and honor God. Many people see graduation as the end of something. But really graduation is not the end of a program, but the beginning of a ministry. The degree, the education, the honors, and the awards give me confidence to continue to provide the best ministry possible in the name of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul says he had education, honors, and awards. I stand with Paul when I say that the honors, education, and praise are nice, but they are meaningless in comparison with knowing and serving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Thank you for allowing me the honor of being the Lay Pastor at The Deaf Church at Cornerstone and allowing me the honor of ministering with you in other ministries with which we are involved. You and your encouragement continue to bless me daily and I praise and thank God each day for each and every one of you.

Please set aside Friday, June 5, 2009 at 6pm. We are having a “Light Your Fire for Jesus” end of week Friday evening after work after school time of fellowship. We will start around 6pm. We are planning a campfire for roasting hot dogs and marshmallows. We are planning games. We are planning some good old-fashioned fellowship.

I hope to see you there. If you have questions please email me at johnb1090@comcast.net or I can be reached VP at 810-515-8528.

God Bless you all. I look forward to seeing you Friday evening.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Deaf Devotion 5/24/2009

I am changing things up a little this week with a Sunday Devotion.

There is a saying that opportunity knocks only once. Have you ever wondered why opportunity knocks once – yet temptation is always banging on the door?

But in the end, we are part of the family of God. We have temptation in every decision we make. We have temptation to follow God’s will or we have temptation to rebel and say that our plan is better than God’s.

We are part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The die has been cast. We have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. We are HIS disciples.

We cannot look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.

Our past is redeemed, our present makes sense, and our future is secure.

We are finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, dull visions, everyday talking, cheap living and limited goals.

We don’t need to be superior, have prosperity, keep our position, depend on promotion, seek approval, or demand popularity any more.

We don’t have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded.

We now live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by prayer, and labor by power.

Our face is set, our faith walk is fast, our goal is heaven, our road is narrow, our way is rough, our companions are few, our Guide is reliable, our mission is clear.

We cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded, or delayed.

We will not be afraid in the face of sacrifice, hesitate to resist Satan’s lies, make deals to get our own way instead of God’s way, become fascinated with our own popularity, or get stuck in our own self-pity.

We cannot give up, shut up, or ease up until we have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, and preached up for the cause of Christ.

We are disciples of Jesus Christ. We must go go go until He comes. We must give give give until we drop. We must preach preach preach until all people know Jesus is Lord. We must work work work until He stops us.

And when Jesus comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing us…our banner will be clear!"
When we face any decision remember, God is in control, Jesus is the King of Kings and all all all we do must give glory and honor to God.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Deaf Devotion 5/15/2009

The Old Testament Temple was only 30 feet wide by 90 feet long-- a mere 2,700 square feet. It was smaller than many homes today. It has been estimated that to rebuild the Temple by the directions which God gave in the Bible would cost today about four billion dollars! It would take incredible amounts of gold, expensive wood and tapestries, and the finest stone. It was the most expensive building per square foot ever built. God only wants and deserves the best.

The Queen of Sheba came to see the temple and she was impressed.

And now, our hearts have become the dwelling place of God!! We are of great value to God as the place where His Holy Spirit takes up residence. Remember, God only stays in the best places. If you do not have Jesus as your Savior, your house is “dirty.” Only Jesus blood can clean us up to be worthy of God. There is nothing else.

What is the cost for God to live in our heart? What is the cost for us to have eternal life? Sure, it costs us our plans, our control, and our future but that is nothing. Whatever we have, say, do, or think, belongs to God FIRST. But … It cost God His only Son and it cost Jesus His life. What is more costly than that? It is this cost that God willingly paid and Jesus willingly accepted for us to be the best place for God to live.

God is in control of everything. God will use the economy to judge a nation. God will use HIS people in HIS way and HIS time to bring HIS people back to relationship with HIM.

Notice how home prices on earth have been in decline with the bad effect of the economy.

Interesting fact:
Median House prices
Atlanta, GA - in 2006 $171,800 - in 2008 $149,500
Chicago, IL - in 2006 $273,500 - in 2008 $246,500
Flint, MI - in 2006 $82,100 - in 2008 $62,200
Honolulu, HI - in 2006 $630,000 - in 2008 $624,000
Los Angeles, CA - in 2006 $584,800 - in 2008 $402,100
New York, NY - in 2006 $469,300 - in 2008 $437,500
Orlando, FL - in 2006 $270,400 - in 2008 $208,900
Heaven - in 2006 Priceless - in 2008 Still Priceless - FOREVER - Still Priceless
Source for local home prices – 2009 National Association of Realtors
Source for heavenly prices- the Bible

But there is one thing that never changes. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) The believer’s goal is not heaven. For the believer Heaven is a done deal. Heaven has been already been purchased for us by Jesus dying on the cross. The believer’s eternal future and salvation is already worked out.

The believer’s goal, while we are alive on this earth, is to share the Gospel with as many people as possible so they can know Jesus as their Savior. This will bring honor and glory to God’s plan and God’s will. Another goal is not live focused on ourselves, but focused on God and what how HE will use us for HIS purpose and HIS glory.

Glorify GOD today in all you do.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Deaf Devotion 5/8/2009

“When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!” Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.” (Proverbs 31:26-31 NLT)

This Sunday we honor our mothers. It is important for us to think about how much a mother really does. Being a mother is not a walk in the park…

A Junior High science teacher was showing his students about how a magnet works. The next day he gave his students a quiz. The first question read like this: “My name begins with an “M,” has six letters, and I pick things up. What am I?” Half the kids in the class wrote, “Mother.”

There is an old Spanish proverb that says, “An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy.”

- The mother of Moses cared so much for her son that she was willing to risk breaking the law in order to teach him the faith of his people.
- We see the sacrificial love of the mother who appeared before King Solomon and told him that she was willing to have her son taken away by another woman rather than see any harm come to him.
- Or, the mother of James and John who loved her boys so much that she wanted them to sit by the Lord’s side in the heavenly kingdom.

Mother’s Day can be a difficult time for some. Maybe some want to be a mother but can’t be for some reason. Perhaps some feel that they have not had the best mother in the world. Some have had a mother who has died. Some mothers have lost a child to death. Some mothers feel the pain of a wayward child. Some mothers are flying solo nurturing their child’s faith.

A godly mother has to be more interested in having her children know the Bible than be able to speak another language before they are 5-years-old.

A mother is also interested in:
- Her children’s souls than in their bodies or in their clothes
- Her children’s eternal life than their success in this life
- Her children’s relationship with Jesus than their popularity in the world
- Her children’s standing before God than their social status
- Her children’s spirituality than their intellectual, musical, or athletic accomplishments

While it isn’t in the text, a mother who passes along a faith that is real is without a doubt a praying woman. Any home in which faith is passed on from generation to generation has to be a home of prayer.
We honor all mothers who take the task seriously of making a spiritual impact in the lives of their children. As Proverbs 31:28 says, “Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her.” This weekend we call all mothers “blessed” and thank them for pouring their lives into ours.

To all mothers from your children, “You ARE blessed.” We praise God for those mothers who worship and adore the Lord and who pass this legacy on to their children.

Thank you. Happy Mother’s Day.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Deaf Devotion 5/1/2009

“Then the women of the town said to Naomi, “Praise the Lord, who has now provided a redeemer for your family! May this child be famous in Israel. May he restore your youth and care for you in your old age. For he is the son of your daughter-in-law who loves you and has been better to you than seven sons!” (Ruth 4:14-15 NLT)

A popular magazine carries a section in which it offers its readers the opportunity to send pictures of their part of the country and tell why they think it's the best. Month after month, people send in beautiful photos from all over the United States, and invariably someone will comment about their particular area, "It can't get any better than this."

That's what the women of Bethlehem were saying to Naomi. To have a son was wonderful. It was the responsibility of a Jewish son to care for his mother when his father passed away. He was her security and companion in old age. But all these women agreed. Actually, Ruth was better than seven sons. She had done all that any son would have done and more. She had borne Naomi a grandson, the assurance that she would be taken care of no matter how long she lived. It couldn't get any better than this.

This is also what Jesus has done for us at the Cross. Through His blood He has cleansed us from our sins. The past is forgiven. Eternity is secure. Through His Word we have the wisdom to live day by day. And through His Spirit we have the power to be His witnesses wherever we are. Through His resurrection we have the assurance that we, too, shall be raised beyond the grave to spend eternity in heaven. Everything is taken care of past, present and future. Trust me. It does not get any better.

Have you thanked Jesus yet today for meeting your every need? There is nothing that can be added to what He has done and will do for you. It just can't get any better than this.