
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Deaf Devotion 5/15/2009

The Old Testament Temple was only 30 feet wide by 90 feet long-- a mere 2,700 square feet. It was smaller than many homes today. It has been estimated that to rebuild the Temple by the directions which God gave in the Bible would cost today about four billion dollars! It would take incredible amounts of gold, expensive wood and tapestries, and the finest stone. It was the most expensive building per square foot ever built. God only wants and deserves the best.

The Queen of Sheba came to see the temple and she was impressed.

And now, our hearts have become the dwelling place of God!! We are of great value to God as the place where His Holy Spirit takes up residence. Remember, God only stays in the best places. If you do not have Jesus as your Savior, your house is “dirty.” Only Jesus blood can clean us up to be worthy of God. There is nothing else.

What is the cost for God to live in our heart? What is the cost for us to have eternal life? Sure, it costs us our plans, our control, and our future but that is nothing. Whatever we have, say, do, or think, belongs to God FIRST. But … It cost God His only Son and it cost Jesus His life. What is more costly than that? It is this cost that God willingly paid and Jesus willingly accepted for us to be the best place for God to live.

God is in control of everything. God will use the economy to judge a nation. God will use HIS people in HIS way and HIS time to bring HIS people back to relationship with HIM.

Notice how home prices on earth have been in decline with the bad effect of the economy.

Interesting fact:
Median House prices
Atlanta, GA - in 2006 $171,800 - in 2008 $149,500
Chicago, IL - in 2006 $273,500 - in 2008 $246,500
Flint, MI - in 2006 $82,100 - in 2008 $62,200
Honolulu, HI - in 2006 $630,000 - in 2008 $624,000
Los Angeles, CA - in 2006 $584,800 - in 2008 $402,100
New York, NY - in 2006 $469,300 - in 2008 $437,500
Orlando, FL - in 2006 $270,400 - in 2008 $208,900
Heaven - in 2006 Priceless - in 2008 Still Priceless - FOREVER - Still Priceless
Source for local home prices – 2009 National Association of Realtors
Source for heavenly prices- the Bible

But there is one thing that never changes. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) The believer’s goal is not heaven. For the believer Heaven is a done deal. Heaven has been already been purchased for us by Jesus dying on the cross. The believer’s eternal future and salvation is already worked out.

The believer’s goal, while we are alive on this earth, is to share the Gospel with as many people as possible so they can know Jesus as their Savior. This will bring honor and glory to God’s plan and God’s will. Another goal is not live focused on ourselves, but focused on God and what how HE will use us for HIS purpose and HIS glory.

Glorify GOD today in all you do.