James 2:26 NLT – “Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works.”
Our faith and salvation does not depend on what we do. What we do depends on our faith and salvation.
When we ask God for something, do we just sit back, do nothing and say, “Well, I’m going to show my faith by doing nothing? I know God will take care of it.” No! God is in control, but we are the ones he is controlling. Actually one’s faith is shown by doing something. For faith without works is what? Dead! “How foolish! Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless?”(James 2:20 NLT) Does somebody want a house? Pray for it. Then say, “Amen,” with a hammer and saw. Does a man want a wife? Pray for one. Then go shave, put on some cologne, learn some manners, and learn how to be thoughtful and loving.
Does Deaf Café desire to reach Deaf people for Jesus? We constantly pray for that. God brought this team together. We all participate in specific ways which God has chosen. But we should move toward a deeper commitment of being involved and active. It is not for the glory of the team or Deaf Café itself. All we do is for God’s glory.
Do we want to see Deaf Café glorify God? Pray for it. Then say, “Amen” with our participation in the planning, serving, set up, tear down, dramas, music, child care, registration, lights, and in our witnessing for Jesus Christ. This is where God puts us and it is in the exact place that He wants us involved. Do not sit around and do nothing and depend on God or others to do something. The response to God’s glorious eternal grace is that we get up and do anything and everything to glorify God.
Have we been praying earnestly about the people God wants to reach with Deaf Café this week? This season? Is our heart’s desire to see people saved? Ask the Holy Spirit to show us how we can put feet to that prayer. Then, walk the talk!
When Moses saw the burning bush in the desert he stood amazed. God could have chosen any bush, any place, any time. It was not the bush that was so important. But that God was in the bush. It’s not about Deaf Café. It’s not about you or me. We are only the vessels of God’s anointing. The new Season of Deaf Café will be here before we know it. When we pray today, pray to surrender ourselves and Deaf Cafe to God right now. He is faithful to fill us and use us in wonderful and miraculous ways for His glory.
Hello Again!!
7 years ago