
Friday, January 15, 2010

Deaf Devotion 1/15/2010

“And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;” (Ephesians 6:15 KJV)

I am tired of shoveling snow. I know many people are tired of shoveling snow. Is it spring yet? Do we realize it has not yet been even one month since Christmas? I really think the thing I dislike most about shoveling snow is deciding what to put on my feet. I know I cannot wear my sandals or go barefoot. But at the same time boots can be a hassle. But boots are necessary.

Shoes serve an important role. We must accept the fact that the sole (ha ha) purpose for shoes is to protect our feet. I remember growing up and wearing things called “galoshes” to protect my feet from water. These were heavy black rubber boots that had these buckles on the front that never seemed to work. Snow boots guard our feet from frostbite and cold. Depending upon our jobs, there may be very specific footwear that we are required to wear to protect our feet while doing our job. At my job at the airport, I am required to wear steel-toe boots to protect my feet from injury if I drop something heavy.

While many unique situations call for a different type of shoe, there is a single pair that fits every believer.

The apostle Paul wrote that the feet of every Christian should be “shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” Just as every other part of our body is to be clothed in armor from God—the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the Spirit—so our feet are also to be “clothed.”

But what does it mean to have our feet “shod” with the Gospel of peace? Paul is playing off the words of Isaiah 52:7. “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!” We see a description of a warrior who brings back news of a great victory in battle. The word that Paul uses In the Letter to the Ephesians is “ὑποδέω” or “hypodeō” in English. It means to cover one’s self with preparation. It means to tighten up those bootlaces in preparation to share the Gospel. Everywhere our feet take us, we are to proclaim the victory of Jesus Christ on the cross. Our victory is a victory that brings us peace with God and will one day bring peace to the world.

Think about it. One of Satan’s biggest evil schemes is to do everything he can to make sure that believers do as little of sharing the Gospel as possible. Why does Satan do this?

• If the Gospel is not shared, not-yet-believers will not come to faith.
• If the Gospel is not shared, the overall ministry of the church becomes sidetracked.
• If the Gospel is not shared, enthusiasm for the important work of God weakened.

This is why this piece of our armor is so important. It is a call to stand firm “with our feet covered in preparation that comes from the Gospel of peace”. When it comes to our spiritual shoes one size fits all. We cannot be those who are fully equipped unless we have the Gospel. We will lack ministry focus unless we are willing to help people find peace with God and accepting the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Paul is inviting us to let God’s Word fit us with feet of readiness. Do we have what it takes?

• It is not asking, “Do you believe in Jesus?”
• It is not asking, “Are you saved?”
• It is not even asking, “Are you a member of a church?

It's not about asking. Its about telling. It is making sure everyone we know has a saving relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior.

Romans Chapter Ten says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”. This is reconciliation. This is the Gospel of peace. But there is a process which needs to take place.

“How can they call?” There will be no cries of repentance and faith until we share the Gospel of God’s Grace and the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross.

“How can they believe?” Believing involves knowing facts. Believing involves being involved in learning and understanding.

“How can they know?” How will the Gospel go out unless someone shares with another person? If we say we want to be Christ-like in all we do, we are to go and make disciples. This means sharing the Gospel wherever we go and with whomever we meet.

The peace that is in our heart should be a peace that transfers into readiness for action.

When was the last time we joyfully shared with someone that the victory has been won? Good news is meant for sharing. The Gospel, our Good News of Salvation and Eternal Life, is meant to be shared wherever we go and with whomever we speak.