
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Deaf Devotion 2/13/2010

“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:” 2 Corinthians 9:8 KJV

We know that God "can" do anything. But we seem to lose faith when it comes to God's willingness. The thought seems to become, “I know God is ABLE, but is He WILLING?” We have no problem trusting Him for both His ability and His willingness to save us from the penalty of our sins. Somehow, we believe God can and will make our salvation a reality.

But when it comes to trusting God for, say, our financial needs, we falter. When something happens with a friend or family member where the relationship is threatened, God seems to disappear. When we are confronted with a situation that we cannot see the other end or see our way out, the focus becomes ourselves and the situation. We fail to see God at the other end of the problem being glorified in how He works it out.

When things are running smoothly and we are comfortable, we know God "can" meet our needs. But when things start to go wrong we are just not too sure He will.

Jesus Himself pointed to this. In spite of everything Jesus said: ". . . it will be given . . . you will find . . . it will be opened . . ."

When we see "will" in Scripture associated with God's actions, it becomes a promise from Him. If He "can" meet our need He most certainly "will" meet our needs.

Theologian A.W. Tozer says, “Whatever God did and was able to do and willing to do at any time, God is able and willing to do again, within the framework of His will.”

Now here is where it gets really good.

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,” Ephesians 3:20 KJV

The last part is the key. “According to the power within us….”

What power?

It is the power that raised Christ from the dead. Remember Jesus told the Pharisees that the temple would be destroyed and three days later will be restored? Jesus was telling them He WILL rise from the dead. Death will not have victory.

Jesus depended on this power that is more than able and more than willing to do what is necessary when it is necessary.

There were lepers who sought out Jesus because they had no hope. Those with leprosy, who had no hope for a cure and was waiting for the leprosy to finally kill them looked to Jesus to become their “I AM.”

When Peter’s mother-in-law was sick, yes Peter was married, Jesus became her “I AM” and she was healed.

There were several men with whom Jesus came into contact who were possessed with demons. The demons within them recognized Jesus as the men’s “I AM”. Jesus was those men’s “I AM” and He cast out the demons.

When Jesus was walking down a street one day a woman squeezed through the crowd to touch the hem of His garment believing she would be healed. Jesus became her “I AM”.

When 5000 people were hungry after listening to one of Jesus’ sermons, He became their “I AM” and fed them.

When the disciples were out in the boat and a wind storm came and rocked the boat and they were in fear of their lives, Jesus became their “I AM” and calmed the seas.

When our sins were so great that we could not get back to God, Jesus became our “I AM” and gave His life as a sacrifice for our sins.

As children of God, God says to each and every one of us “I AM.” “I will be whatever you need me to be. I will be, I am Able, and I am willing.”

There is a difference between being able and being willing. If someone needs a car loan, they can go to the back to request one. The bank has the money and the power to give the loan. However, just because they are able to do so, they may not be willing to do so.

God has shared with us that not only is He ABLE to be everything that we need Him to be, He is also WILLING. All He is waiting on is us.

God the I am is the God who is able and the God who is willing.
God the I Am is within you and is within me.

When someone is having marital problems, God says, “I AM.”
When someone is sick, God says, “I AM.”
When someone is having financial problems and does not know how to make ends meet, God says, “I AM.
When someone is hurting, God says, “I AM.”
When someone is lonely, God says, “I AM.”
When someone is having problems at work, God says, “I AM.”
When someone does not have work, God says, “I AM.”
When someone’s kids are acting in such a way that it is frustrating, God says, “I AM.”
When someone’s car is acting up, God says, “I AM.”
When someone needs more knowledge of God, God says, “I AM.”
When someone’s faith has been shaken through life’s experiences, God says, “I AM.”
When people are gossiping and running our name through the mud, God says, “I AM.”
When someone fails and falls flat on their face, God says, “I AM.”
When life presses us down, God says, “I AM.”
No matter what we face in life, God says, “I AM able. I AM willing. I AM.”

God the I AM says that He will be whatever we need Him to be.

How willing are we to accept the “able” and “willing” of the I AM in your circumstances?

God is Able and God is willing. Are we able and willing to let God be God the I AM in very situation in our life?