
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mid Week Deaf Devotion 2/16/2010

“For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.” (Romans 8:29 NLT)

We are talking about being motivated by God’s presence in our life. The Apostle Paul points out that God knew ahead of time He would live with us in His Son, Jesus and in the Holy Spirit. God wants us to become like Jesus in character. Jesus is our example. Jesus is our model. But why?

Look at the previous verse, Romans 8:28. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (KJV)

There is one simple reason. God wants His presence to bring out the best in ALL His children.

Now, because God made us, our life begins and ends with Him.
Since God made us, only He can tell us for what He made us.
Our purpose in life revolves around Him.
It’s not about us.
It’s not about our needs, our wants, our satisfaction, our success.
It’s about God.

Now, that doesn’t mean our welfare has no importance to God.
On the contrary, we are incredibly precious to Him.
He loves us more deeply than we can possibly imagine.
He paid the greatest price for us that could ever be paid.
He gave His Son’s life in exchange for ours.
He sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross in payment for our sins.

But it’s crucial that we understand one thing: the way in which we come to enjoy all the good things God has for us is not by putting ourselves and our needs first, but instead by seeking to follow God and fulfill His purposes.

From the very beginning, long before the world was even created, God’s purpose has been to make us like His Son. His goal, right now, is to transform us. God wants to take us from wherever we are, and bring us through a lifelong process of change that will result in us becoming more and more like Jesus Christ.

What does that mean? It does not mean that we will become a little “god” with all the qualities of divinity. We will never become all-knowing or all-powerful, like God is. No, we will not become a “god,” but we will become Christ-like. We will become like God in his character. We share His values. We learn to think the way he thinks. We learn to act the way he acts. The possibilities are endless. That is energizing. That is freeing.

If we want to see how God thinks and acts, all we need to do is look at Jesus Christ. Read the accounts of His life in the Gospels. Because the Bible tells us that Christ is God and fully reveals God.

This should excite us like nothing else can. We are energized by God’s presence.

If we want to know what God is changing us into, if we want an advance look at the end result of this process of discipleship, then study the life of Jesus Christ. He is our model. Look at what he loved and hated. Watch how he treated people. Observe how he responded in different types of situations. As incredible as it may seem; God’s purpose is for our life to look like that.

Consider the example of Christ. He forgave even the people who nailed him to a cross. He didn’t have to. He could have come down off the cross and destroyed them all. And He would have been completely justified in doing so. But instead, he forgave them.

How many know that God will go to great lengths to get our attention?

How many know that it is God’s desire that we grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ?

We serve a God whose presence is energizing, exciting, eternal, and everlasting.