“Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen.” (Matthew 21:21 NLT)
Some of us come to church week after week, and we feel like we have been in the sights of the devil’s big guns. It’s like all of the powers of hell have been unleashed with one thing in mind, to take us down.
We question ourselves and those around us, “What’s the point?” “Nothing I will do can ever make a difference.”
Guess what. God says if we have faith and do not doubt we can do anything. Jesus gave the Disciples the authority to heal and cast out demons. They faced a mountain of doubt. But the first time they did it, that mountain of doubt moved out of the way.
Mountains come in many forms in our lives and it seems that there isn’t a day that goes by when a new mountain appears in our path. It can be a mountain of doubt, fear, or even overwhelming worry. The only thing we can see is this mountain. We cannot see over it and we cannot see around it. We know we must either go around or go over. We can even try to tunnel our way through. All we know is that we need to get to the other side.
All of life is a struggle. We can thank God for the good days. Those are the days when everything runs smoothly, nothing breaks down, there’s no arguing going on in the family, the church is doing well, the weather is fine, and we feel like we are sitting on top of the world.
But those good days seem to be so few and it doesn’t take long until the world seems to be sitting on top of us. How many of us can say AMEN to that!
Job was certainly inspired by the Holy Spirit when he penned the words, "a man’s life is of few days, and full of trouble." (Job 14:1)
There are some people that can be called “true Christians” who seem to have a dead spirit. They can’t worship the Lord in freedom. They don’t sing the songs of praise along with the rest of the church. They don’t testify when the opportunities come. Is it because they are possessed or oppressed by the devil, or is it just that they can’t get past the mountain that stands in their path?
There are some who just let the devil lead them around by the nose, taking them anywhere he wants to go. Then they allow the devil to tear away their love for the church, their love for other Christians and their love for God, while he gives them a love for the things of this world and not a love for God and His ways.
Finally, one day those Christians will wake up, by the mercies of God, and realize where they are. Then they will begin to weep for their situations. They will sit there, with that mountain of faults and failures blocking their path back to God. And there they will stay for a while, just whining and complaining that life just isn’t fair.
Well, whoever said that life was going to be fair in the first place?
It’s time to wake up. Time is passing.
It’s time to look up. Jesus is coming.
It’s time to sober up. Satan is working.
It’s time to pray up. Mountains need moving.
That’s the answer to moving our mountain! That’s what we must do if you want to see that mountain moved. We must bring the mountain to Jesus!
“Jesus, here is my mountain. I’ve tried to overcome it, but I can’t! I’ve tried to climb over it but it’s too steep and too high. I’ve tried to tunnel through it but it’s just too hard. I’ve tried to push it out of my life, but it’s just too heavy. I’ve tried to carry it away but I can’t carry enough of it to make a difference. I’ve tried the best I know how, but the mountain is still there.”
The answer lies in the story of the man with the demon-possessed child. “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:23-24 NLT)
It’s not us and our faith in what we can do that moves the mountain. It’s faith in Jesus, to believe that He can and will move the mountain.
Is there a mountain that seems too big? Is there a need that needs to be met right now? Jesus is the answer. Take whatever it is to Him in prayer and then expect an answer. We are God’s children and He wants to give us the answer to our prayer.
So pray and believe that the answer is already ours right now!
Hello Again!!
7 years ago