
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mid Week Deaf Devotion 4/6/2010

“And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.” (1 Corinthians 15:14, 17 KJV)

A sad group of women walked to Jesus' tomb on the Sunday morning after His death. Their Savior—the Lord of Lords and King of Kings—had been brutally beaten and then crucified. The women's hearts must have been heavy with disappointment and grief.

Yet in an instant, mourning was turned to joy. An angel greeted them to offer comfort. He said, "He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said."

So many of the confusing things Jesus had said now suddenly made sense. Not only had He spoken about His own death and resurrection, but He had also explained His relationship with God as a "oneness." The grave could not and cannot hold the Almighty. The resurrection put to rest any doubt Christ's followers may have harbored about exactly who He is.

At what seemed to be the end, Jesus was buried in a rich man's tomb. However, Jesus did not stay in the grave.

Jesus conquered death and is now seated at the Father's right hand, acting as a mediator for believers. He knows each of our names, where we are, and what we need and desire. The comfort of the empty tomb is that our Savior is alive and watching over us—just as He said He would.

It is an unthinkable question: what if there had been no Resurrection Day?

Suppose Jesus had not risen from the dead? Our faith would be pointless, death would hold power over us, sin would take over control, and the future would be hopeless.

His death without His resurrection cannot save anybody. Our faith is worthless if He is still on the cross or still in the grave.

How do we know that Jesus Christ was not just a religious fanatic, someone with a martyr complex who happened to get crucified? How do we know He is the Son of God, God incarnate? Romans 1:4 says He Is “shown to be the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead.”

How do we know that God accepted the sacrifice of Calvary? It is because of the resurrection. The Bible says He was delivered for our sin and raised again for our pardon.

One woman arrived at the tomb at a loss for words and tears. Her Savior was dead. What was she to do? Then He called her by name and told her to go and tell her friends.

Sorrow became joy. Tears became excitement. Death became life. Death for ever became life forever. Separation became presence. Silence became Good News.

No resurrection, no Savior. No Savior, no forgiveness.

But Jesus went into the tomb and three days later walked out like a butterfly bursting from a cocoon.

He is a risen Savior. He is Lord. He is God.

Worship and Praise the Living Savior.