“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)
There are times in our life when most people experience some feelings of inferiority. This means we feel that we are “not as good” as other people or that other people are better than us for some reason. When I was growing up, my mother was the main “breadwinner” for the family. Sometimes we struggled financially. We did not live in the fanciest house in the “rich people” neighborhood. We did not have the latest and trendiest clothing. Even in school, I felt that I did not measure up academically to the other kids. The sense of failure and embarrassment at not being good enough is something that still stays with me today in some ways.
The misery of inferiority or not being “good enough” is never what God intends for His children. This feeling of low self esteem usually starts in the hearts of the young and becomes stronger when people start comparing what they have with what they do not have. This kind of emotional “baggage” can cause someone to focus too much on things and can also cause one to be totally focused on what other people expect. Feelings of inadequacy may cause one to avoid challenges. Low self-esteem cripples personal relationships and comparison steals happiness.
Feeling that we are “not good enough” to God is a lie. Satan tells us that to make us believe that God is ready to give up on us or that we are “not good enough” for God to save. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. God loved EVERYONE so much that Jesus died, rose, and lives today that you and I will have eternal life. Satan wants us to believe that we are “not good enough” for God, and Jesus’ work means nothing. Do not listen to Satan’s lies. Satan wants to destroy God’s masterpiece. But the truth is that God loves us more than we understand.
We need to understand how God sees us. Then, when we start feeling that we are not good enough, we can cling to God’s truth that we are His masterpiece and not to our faulty picture of the broken crystal vase that cannot be repaired.
God says we are His best workmanship—His masterpieces. Each person is specially and uniquely designed by the Creator for His purpose. The differences that cause us to make comparisons and feel discouraged are the very qualities that the Lord "programmed" into us to bring Him glory. Where we feel inadequate or “not good enough” is the place where God shows He is mighty and glorious.
Feelings of inferiority block us from becoming the people God designed us to be and fulfilling His purpose for our lives. When it comes to our value, we either accept the truth of our value and worth to God or we decide not to believe Him and instead rely on our own feelings.
So what is our answer? Do we let Satan deceive us and lie to us or do we follow God’s Word that says we are His best work, we are worth dying for, and we are the people He wants with HIM forever in heaven? Has God ever broken a promise? I think we all know the answer.
Hello Again!!
7 years ago