
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mid Week Deaf Devotion 6/8/2010

“And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:25 NLT)

There are so many excuses people use for NOT going to church. Frankly, all of them are lame and weak. “People will judge me.”
“It’s boring.”
“I don’t have any way to get to church.”
“I don’t have the right clothes.”
“Somebody said something mean to me many years ago.”
“Sunday is my only day off.”
“I’m not going to that church if so-and-so will be there.”
“If so-and-so shows up, I will leave.”

Why do we do this? “Why do we put our petty gripes and complaints ahead of worshipping God? Why can’t we set aside for just a short time our pride and plan and focus on God and all He is doing? When will we learn that it’s not about us and what we do. It’s about God and what Jesus did for us on the cross.

Do we realize that time spent remembering an offense from years ago, or focusing on being bored, or any other excuse we can come up with is taking our focus off of God? Church is a place of learning God’s plan through studying His Word in preaching and teaching.

Do you know what is happening in America today? People who claim to be Christians are not getting involved. People are choosing not to become faithful to a church which is the local fellowship of believers.

Such a thing was unheard of in the Bible. If you were a Christian, you were faithful to the fellowship. You attended when everyone gathered together. If you stopped attending, they would find out why. They would not let any division come into the body of the church. This is why Paul puts love above everything in 1 Corinthians and talks about leadership to Timothy. He talks about the Body of Christ throughout His letters. And he says the Body needs to come together in service and worship.

What is more important than the local gathering of the body of Christ to worship God? It is the way we stay “plugged in” to the needs of the body of Christ. It is the way we show honor to Him in worship. It is simply the way.

What is on the schedule this week that is more important than being a part of the blood-bought body of the Lord Jesus Christ?

Even in Jesus’ day people gave excuses why they could not commit themselves to Him. Jesus’ call to the people of his day was that the kingdom of God was at hand, repent of sin and follow Him. And yet people made excuses, reasons why they could not follow Him.

A man replied, “Lord first let me go and bury my father.”
Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

Another said, “I will follow you Lord, but first let me go back and say good-bye to my family.
Jesus replied, “No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

Many may think that Jesus’ repose seems rather cold, odd, and cruel, but Jesus was not concerned about social or political correctness. Jesus offended people. But guess what. Jesus was right!

These people were ready and able to commit, but on their own terms!

They would commit, but as long as the cost was not too high. Jesus was testing them to see how serious they were about their commitment.

Why is it so difficult for some people to commit themselves to Christ and His Church? The cost of commitment is still a problem for the church today. Yes we are willing to commit, but on our terms and if a lot is not expected out of us. But the Bible teaches maturity. Reading through God’s Word shows us that a wise person isn't easily angered, doesn't spread gossip, and refrains from harsh words.

So why should we give our whole self to God?

What has he done for us? In a single word, it is GRACE.

Thank God for His grace!

God has given us something that we cannot earn by ourselves.

It is something that we cannot go downtown and buy at the local grocery store.

He has given us a gift a very special gift.

And He is the only one that has the ability to give us this priceless gift of grace.

It is a gift that goes beyond measure or any monetary value.

And when we think of how little we have to bring and how much He offers and that He invites us to share with him, we should be shouting His Name in praise from the rooftops.

We do not have enough love, or faith, or grace, or mercy or wisdom.

But God does.

Get Right.

Get over it.

Get to church.

Don’t let excuses stand between you and the Lord Jesus Christ.