
Friday, August 20, 2010

ANNOUNCEMENT - The Deaf Church at Cornerstone

Praise the Lord!

On September 12, 2010 Deaf Church at Cornerstone will become Master's Hands Deaf Church. You may wonder why. The Deaf Church is a separate mission church Cornerstone is planting. We will no longer be in the Cornerstone Baptist Church building but in the building to the west. The address is 6273 Miller Rd., Swartz Creek MI 48473.

Master's Hands Deaf Church is a congregation of Deaf and Hearing individuals started as a mission of Cornerstone Baptist Church with the purpose of bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Flint, Michigan area.

Cornerstone Baptist Church had a Deaf Ministry for many years and will continue to serve the Deaf. The Deaf Church at Cornerstone began three years ago as a separate Deaf Church within Cornerstone Baptist Church. The focus was Deaf Worship, Sunday School and Bible study which is signed and not interpreted.

Master's Hands Deaf Church is a church where you come as you are and are welcome. We do not get hung up on what you look like. We want you to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Come expecting to exalt the risen Savior, praise and worship God, and study God's Word to learn God's plan for each person. The goal is to make sure all Deaf know of the salvation God offers through Jesus Christ and by His grace and how to live a victorious life in His Will.

Sunday, September 12, 2010 will be “Launch Sunday.” Deaf Sunday School starts with fellowship at 945am. Deaf Worship is at 11am. Bible Study is Wednesday at 630pm. If you plan to attend and are in need of a voice interpreter, please contact us and we will do our best to provide accommodation for you. Sunday evenings, the service at Cornerstone Baptist Church will continue to be interpreted at 6pm and the Deaf are welcome to join our Hearing brothers and sisters in worship. Master's Hands Deaf Church does have child care and children's programs available with Cornerstone Baptist Church.

I would encourage you to visit and worship with us. If you have questions or need more information, please feel free to contact me. God Bless You! We look forward to seeing you soon at Master's Hands Deaf Church.

John Bienlein
Master's Hands Deaf Church