
Friday, August 20, 2010

Deaf Devotion 8/20/2010

“Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! No one can measure his greatness." (Psalm 145:3 NLT)

Our God is too big to be contained in facts, formulas, or by limited minds. Trying to explain Him is like a child trying to teach about quantum physics to his friends in the first grade. If we could understand God who has no limits, and pack Him up within our soggy brains, there would be no way He could be eternal, limitless, uplifting, and glorious. It is our own minds that put limits on God. God will never limit Himself in any way.

If we could remove the “mystery” of God, He would not be God after all. As theologian Wayne Grudem wrote, "It is spiritually healthy for us to acknowledge openly that God's very being is far greater than we can ever comprehend."

Another scholar, Henry Morris, adds an important point. Speaking of the person of God, he said, "We cannot really comprehend this with our minds, but we can believe it and rejoice with our hearts." We can sing praise to God who reigns above, the God of all creation, the God of power, the God of love, the God of our salvation. The characteristics of God cannot be fully known by our limited understanding; we just know He is mighty, merciful, and full of majesty.

Many of us know the hymn “How Great Thou Art.” Psalm 145:3 is from where the song is taken. Think about the words.

“O Lord my God” – You are God we are not. We are sinners through and through. But you reach into history to lift us from our sin. Only from your hands can the universe be created, and controlled.

“When I in awesome wonder” - I stand in awe and respect of my Savior, my Salvation and the Creator of the Universe.

“Consider all” – well almost everything as my mind cannot take in all that you do, Lord. Isaiah said that your thoughts are not our thoughts and your ways are not our ways.

“The works Thy Hand hath made” - by your word the entire universe was brought into existence.

“I see the stars” - you want me to count them? Only you know how many, Lord. And you know every name too!

“I hear the mighty thunder” - My mom always said it sounds like angels are bowling. Really, it is you Lord making your awesome power to be felt.

“Thy power throughout” – there is nothing that exists outside of the limitless power of God. Wow that is some power.

“The universe displayed” - His power throughout the universe displayed. It’s HIS POWER that is on display. It’s HIS POWER that shows our sin and weakness. Thank you Lord for showing your power over sin through your Son Jesus Christ, Our Savior.

Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee. “How great Thou art! How great Thou art!” Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee, “How great Thou art! How great Thou art!”

“When Christ shall come” – He said He will be back to bring us all home to heaven. He promised. What He says He will do He will do. God has not yet broken a promise. Can we say the same thing?

“With shouts of acclamation” – Praise, honor, glory, adoration, worship, and approval all belong to your name Lord Jesus.

“And take me home” – We are travelers in a strange land. We long to be home with Jesus.

“What joy shall fill my heart!” – And we mean filled to overflowing. There will be no other thing on which we can focus. Jesus now and always.

“Then I shall bow” – Before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

“In humble adoration” – To worship only you.

“And there proclaim” – “My God, how great Thou art!"

God is great.
His power and His might is more than we can figure out.
His gentle Spirit brings us peace and calm.
His saving Son brings us eternal life, and takes away all our sin.
And His saving power brings us home to an eternity of humble adoration of the great God we worship.

“And there proclaim” – “My God, how great Thou art!"

“If God were small enough to be understood, He would not be big enough to be worshipped.”
Evelyn Underhill, quoted by Elizabeth Elliot in “Secure in the Everlasting Arms.”