
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Deaf Devotion 1/8/2011

“So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” (1 Peter 1:6-7 NLT)

On two separate occasions, the Bible records that Satan petitioned the Lord to test a believer.

In Job 1:6-12 God and Satan discuss Job’s apparent wealth and divine protection. Notice that Satan acknowledges that God is Job’s protector. Also notice that God acknowledges Job’s faith in Him. But what is also interesting is seeing God’s faith in Job.

In Luke 22:31-34 Jesus and Peter are discussing faith. Peter had a habit of speaking before he really thought about what he was saying. Jesus says to Peter that He has faith in Peter but Peter’s humanity will take over no matter what Peter believes. Jesus, in honest truth says, “Peter, I hear what you are saying but when you are tested, you will fail. But go ahead and give it your best shot.” Jesus essentially let Peter’s bring his weak earthly courage to the table and see what happens. Of course Satan took advantage of that.

In both cases, God agreed to let Satan have some leeway. God knew the outcome ahead of time, but you must give Satan credit. The Devil did his best to break the faith of first Job and later Peter, but he failed both times.

Then Satan tried his best test. Just after Jesus was baptized, He went into the desert. Satan, who more than likely heard God saying at the baptism, “This is my Son, in whom I am well pleased,” decided He would go after Jesus. It was an epic fail. It was failure in a big way. One would think Satan would give up.

Satan failed with Job. Satan failed with Peter. Satan failed with Jesus. Satan failed at the cross.

Have we ever thought that Christ and Satan have ever had a similar discussion about you or me? I think most people are too humble to assume such a conversation has happened. So let me ask the question a different way. Does our life make an impact worth talking about? Is our life making a difference for Jesus Christ that causes our name to pop up on Satan’s computer as a possible threat? Or are we easy for Satan to take advantage of? We must ask ourselves whether or not we are serving God sufficiently to make Satan feel threatened?

Pastors, preachers, Sunday School teachers, and missionaries aren't the only people who make Satan nervous. Any believer who is determined to obey the Lord is a threat to the Devil, particularly when sharing the gospel. God calls on us to witness to certain people because we have just the right knowledge, story, or temperament to reach some person who needs to hear the Gospel. Fearing that the unbeliever might choose salvation because of our testimony, Satan gives plenty of opportunities to fail.

Satan hopes we will be too discouraged to continue serving the Lord. The Enemy would like nothing better than to put a stop to God's plan for believers' lives by undermining their faith. That being the case, we might all be surprised how often our names pass between Jesus and Satan!

Although we may think we aren't important, God knows your true value. When HE was on the Cross, WE were on HIS mind.

Friends, as a Spirit-filled believer, we have amazing potential to serve the kingdom. Satan sees that, and he will try to make us stumble. Sometimes while we try to stay focused on God, our humanity will take over. Most times God has more faith in us than we sometimes have in Him. Satan knows this. But God holds each of our lives in His hand and not even Satan can snatch our life out of God’s hand.

Satan does not have much faith in our faith. If one were to fail and fall, the smart move is to lean on the Lord as we get to our feet and carry on.

If God is for us, who can be against us? It’s certainly not Satan. Satan tries to make us think God is against us. Satan will not give up until he achieves his goal of destroying everything God has created.

I imagine Satan coming crawling back to God for a follow-up discussion. “Well I tried to break (insert name here)’s relationship with you. I could not do it. Their faith in you is as strong as your faith in them. I will not give up. I will find others.”

God says, “Me too. I will not give up. I will find others. I have too many people who will tell the story. Now go away.”

Satan has no choice but to leave. You see He must obey God also.