“Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.” (Matthew 21:21-22 NLT)
In the Gospel of Mark it is written that Jesus was approached by a father whose son was possessed by a demon. The man came to Jesus, asking Him to heal the boy, if it was possible. The Lord lovingly shared that He could accomplish anything if the man had faith. The dad responded, "I do believe; help my unbelief."
“Help my unbelief.” Are there any greater words of faith? What a revealing statement.
Even mature Christians will sometimes experience some doubt with regard to God's ways, truth, or ability. Thankfully, He is gracious and meets His children where they are.
But the Bible is clear that doubt causes difficulty. First, it affects the believer's fellowship with God. Second, disbelief blocks one's prayer life. The Lord will answer a doubting heart, but God’s answer will never be the right answer, nor will the answer satisfy. Third, uncertainty can lead to dependence upon the flesh and, therefore, can get in the way of fruitful service. All of these can lead to discouragement.
Let's explore how to overcome a lack of assurance. Prayerfully consider what causes us to question. For example, when we were growing up were we taught something other than what God teaches? Or we were told what we should believe by someone other than God? Now, recall a time when we trusted the Lord and He responded; remember how it felt to rely totally upon Him. And, most importantly, study Scripture and learn exactly what God is saying to us. The Bible says it is better to depend on the Lord than to trust in people. (Psalm 118:8)
God wants us to walk in the freedom of faith. God calls each of us to live our lives with full confidence in Him. This removes fear and worry because the almighty, all-knowing, loving Father is able to guide, strengthen, and lead His children to victory.
What is the biggest thing we have ever asked God to do for us? I have learned most of the prayers are good and right, but not bold. About the biggest requests are for physical healing. I believe God does heal in response to our prayers, but surely God wants to do more than “fix” us. God is looking for someone bold enough to ask Him for something big. This is not about a home on the beach or a new car, although these are nice blessings. We are talking about spiritual things! Where are the people who are asking God to invade their lives with His power, to transform a community, to break the curse of racism, to send missionaries around the world?
There was popular book about the prayer of a man named Jabez. Jabez’s prayer was surprisingly simple. “He was the one who prayed to the God of Israel, “Oh that you would bless me and expand my territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!” And God granted him his request.” (1 Chronicles 4:10 NLT) Notice the end of the verse: “And God granted him his request.” Faith asked and God answered.
What mountain do we need God to move? Today God calls us to bring our mountain to Him and ask Him to move it. Stop wishing, wanting and hoping and start asking in faith without doubt, because that is what Jesus commands us to do.
The next time those feelings of doubt begin to rise, remember that God does move mountains. Along with the everyday prayers that we offer to God, try adding a mountain to the list, let God out of the box, and see what great and mighty things God will do!
If you haven't been living with belief, start today. Don't miss out on His best!
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7 years ago