
Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Morning 1/30/2012

Monday morning, January 30, 2012, it is the last Monday in January. Did you make promises for 2012 a month ago? Do you remember what they are? This is your test for today: Do you remember what your Pastor preached about yesterday? Is it easier to remember yesterday or last month? In 2012 we need to remember passwords to the internet, cell phone numbers, email addresses, and so on.

In 2 Timothy 2:8-10 Paul challenges the young Pastor, Timothy, that with everything he needs to remember, there is one thing that is to be remembered above all else. That one thing is to have a relationship the Savior Jesus Christ.

“8 Always remember that Jesus Christ, a descendant of King David, was raised from the dead. This is the Good News I preach.
9 And because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained.
10 So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.” (2 Timothy 2:8-10 NLT)

Remember Jesus. He is God’s Son, God in the flesh, God with us, the Messiah, the Promised One. He was crucified, He died, He was buried and He rose again to sit at the right hand of God. He is alive today. He died on the cross to pay off our sin to God and for us to have eternal life. That is our future. Remember your future!

Remember God’s Word. There is nothing that will stop God’s Word from making an impact. When we truly witness and remember Jesus Christ, God’s Word WILL cause a reaction! This is why the world rejects the truth of Jesus Christ, and the truth of God’s Word. Why? It is because ever since sin entered the world, the world has been focused on itself and not on the Creator. Sin entered the world with Adam and Eve and the world has been going downhill ever since. God’s Word says the earth and everything in t belongs to Him. God’s Word says that we are HIS best work, His Masterpiece. Trust God’s Word. Not even being chained in a prison could stop Paul from preaching and witnessing about Jesus Christ.

Recently, in a memorial service held in Orange County, California, Red Cross officials told the participating High School Choir that they would not be allowed to sing “America the Beautiful” or “God Bless America” because those songs mention “God” and might offend someone. This fear of disturbing someone with the mention of God is nothing new. I don’t know whether you’ve thought about it or not, but our country is no longer sure what to do with Christmas or Easter. In fact, some people have a hard time with any Christian holiday because there is concern about being politically correct. In recognition of this, a new politically correct version of the Bible has even been printed. In it we are no longer to pray to "Our Father who is in heaven," but to "Our father/mother who is in heaven." And Jesus is not referred to as "The Son of God," but as "the human one." This is a sad thing that is happening in our world today. God's Word is not meant to be "politically Correct." Remember the never failing truth of God’s Word will endure!

Remember God’s people. The word Paul uses here is the same as “elect.” This year we are voting. This means we must choose a person to be the leader of our city, our state, or our country. We must decide. God has already decided. The Gospel of John says the God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son that ALL who believe and trust in Him will never die, but have eternal life! God has already decided that He wants ALL his children in heaven with Him. God has chosen. God has elected. God has decided. The Jews are His favored people, but you and I have also been chosen because of our relationship with Jesus. We are all God’s people. However, not all will accept the Gospel. Does that stir your heart? It should.

If God has saved you and Jesus is your Savior, THIS IS YOUR GOSPEL. Let nothing stop God from using you to share His Good News. Paul’s heart’s desire and prayer was for everyone to be saved in Jesus. That’s a great desire and prayer for anyone! Do you have that desire and prayer for others or for anyone else? IS THERE SOMEONE OUT THERE THAT YOU WANT TO BE SAVED IN JESUS?

God wants all men to be saved! God has, in a sense, chosen all men to be saved. Does this mean that all men or all people will accept? No, but He has chosen them to be saved in that HE WANTS ALL TO BE SAVED! Is this what you want today? Do not delay. Ask Jesus into your heart and life as Savior.

Do we have needs in our lives? Remember What Jesus has done. Do we feel depressed and confused? Remember Christ’s love. Do we feel hurt and lonely? Remember Christ’s sacrifice. Do we feel far from Him and spiritually dull? Remember Christ’s return.

To God be the Glory,
Great things HE has done.
So loved He the world,
He sent us His Son.
Who gave up HIS life,
As forgiveness for sin.
And opened up heaven,
That all may go in.
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Let the earth hear His voice.
Let the people rejoice.
Oh come to the Father through Jesus the Son.
And Give HIM the glory, great things HE has done!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Morning 1/23/2012

Monday is here. Our worship is not limited to Sunday. Our service is not limited to Sunday. The week starts with worship and it ends with worship. The week starts with service and ends with service.

The dictionary defines “trust” as the “dependence on or confidence in the strength and character of a person or thing.” When you go to sit in a chair do you trust its strength? Do you trust its character? That means the person who put the chair together used the right tools, enough glue, nails, etc. God is all powerful. Jesus is the Son of God. Neither of them has ever failed. Do you trust Jesus?

Some people will immediately say, “YES!” Some will need to think about it. Some will deny Him. Trust is one of those things which either you do or you don't do. You cannot halfway trust something. To not fully trust is to doubt. So there is yet another group of people who will say, “I trust Jesus, but …” You either trust Him fully with everything or you do not trust Him at all.

“Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.” (Mark 16:16 NLT)

Jesus describes two groups of people. He bluntly tells each group what they can expect for their current course of life.

Jesus sends us as disciples to go into WHOLE world, preaching the gospel. Those who believe the good news of Jesus Christ and publicly profess their faith are forever saved by the Grace of God. It cannot be lost or taken away.

This was nothing new. Jesus had been telling people this throughout his ministry. He had already declared “that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life,” (John 3:15) and “he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life,” (John 3:36a) and “he that hears my word, and believes on him that sent me, hath everlasting life.” (John 5:24)

Likewise, Jesus had told people just how serious it is to reject His message, saying, “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son,” (John 3:18) also “Anyone who doesn’t obey the Son will never experience eternal life but remains under God’s angry judgment,” (John 3:36b) and “if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.” (John 8:24).

Some people will reject this saying, “God would never do that.” Well, He is a HOLY and RIGHTEOUS God.” He will judge us based on His RIGHTEOUSNESS, not ours. There is nothing we can do to BECOME righteous. We are MADE righteous by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

However, you may notice that there is a third group whom Jesus seems not to mention. It is the group that says they believe but still have doubts. What about these “secret” believers, who joyfully receive the gospel but never follow Jesus outside of church on Sunday?

It seems Jesus leaves them wondering what will happen to them, and perhaps that is the way we should leave them as well. NO! We are to love them, tell them, pray for them, and let our life show them Jesus’ strength and character. We need to share with them just how much we trust Him!

What about you? Does Jesus’ description of those who will be saved describe you?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday Morning 1/16/2012

Good Monday Morning! Yes it is Monday. I pray you had a great Sunday full of worship and praise of our awesome God, our almighty Creator, and Living Savior. Remember…when you walk out of the church doors, worship is not finished! It is only beginning!

Did you make a decision today? Let’s see…so far….
1. Get out of bed. (not so sure about this one)
2. Shower (yup)
3. Brush teeth (Thank you)
4. Pick clothes (Gotta look good)
5. Breakfast (a. coffee, b. bagel, c. doughnut, d. ALL OF THE ABOVE)
6. Etc., etc., etc.

Do you know that God is involved in EVERY decision we make? And that EVERY decision we make is a TEMPTATION?

But wait Pastor John … temptation only happens when Satan wants me to do something bad. I respectfully disagree.

A temptation is an opportunity for decision. A decision is an opportunity for temptation. With EVERY decision we are faced with TWO choices: Obey God or NOT Obey God. To not Obey God is to Obey Satan.

We are tempted to obey God and His Word because we know that is right and we know that it pleases God. It shows we are committed to Him and His Word

We are tempted to NOT obey God and give in to OUR OWN desires and plans. We think our way is better than God’s way. Satan wins! Satan lets us think we are separated from God. We can still be committed to God and His word and allow Satan to make us think otherwise.

Temptation is all around us. Temptation is not anyone’s fault. It is the constant battle between Good and evil. But what we DECIDE to do with the temptation is our responsibility. It is no one’s fault but our own if we make the wrong decision. If we make the right decision God is glorified.

When we face any decision God is there, but also there is the opportunity to replace God with ourselves.

Here are 7 ways to know that God is involved:

1. People say it can’t be done … God says you CAN do all things through Christ!
2. You feel you aren’t qualified, trained, or prepared … Jesus said He has gone ahead and prepared the way. He is THE way, THE truth, and THE life!
3. People say we do not have enough money, people, time, or room … Jesus said,” My grace is more than enough for whatever you need.”
4. People think it does not make sense … The apostles did not think it made sense for Jesus to wash THEIR feet.
5. People call it (or you) stupid … People called the sick and the blind and the cripple they could never expect to be healed.
6. It would give God all the glory… In our weakness, He is our strength. In our need, He gives us everything we need. In our failure, He is our Savior. In our sin HE is our salvation.
7. It honors God and is true to His Word… Jesus said He will never leave us or forget us. Jesus said our sin is as far from God as the east is from the west.

Let the week begin by letting God be involved in your week. In your temptation follow God. In your temptation worship and praise God! In your temptation Let God take control!

Then watch God go to work!