
Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Morning 1/30/2012

Monday morning, January 30, 2012, it is the last Monday in January. Did you make promises for 2012 a month ago? Do you remember what they are? This is your test for today: Do you remember what your Pastor preached about yesterday? Is it easier to remember yesterday or last month? In 2012 we need to remember passwords to the internet, cell phone numbers, email addresses, and so on.

In 2 Timothy 2:8-10 Paul challenges the young Pastor, Timothy, that with everything he needs to remember, there is one thing that is to be remembered above all else. That one thing is to have a relationship the Savior Jesus Christ.

“8 Always remember that Jesus Christ, a descendant of King David, was raised from the dead. This is the Good News I preach.
9 And because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained.
10 So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.” (2 Timothy 2:8-10 NLT)

Remember Jesus. He is God’s Son, God in the flesh, God with us, the Messiah, the Promised One. He was crucified, He died, He was buried and He rose again to sit at the right hand of God. He is alive today. He died on the cross to pay off our sin to God and for us to have eternal life. That is our future. Remember your future!

Remember God’s Word. There is nothing that will stop God’s Word from making an impact. When we truly witness and remember Jesus Christ, God’s Word WILL cause a reaction! This is why the world rejects the truth of Jesus Christ, and the truth of God’s Word. Why? It is because ever since sin entered the world, the world has been focused on itself and not on the Creator. Sin entered the world with Adam and Eve and the world has been going downhill ever since. God’s Word says the earth and everything in t belongs to Him. God’s Word says that we are HIS best work, His Masterpiece. Trust God’s Word. Not even being chained in a prison could stop Paul from preaching and witnessing about Jesus Christ.

Recently, in a memorial service held in Orange County, California, Red Cross officials told the participating High School Choir that they would not be allowed to sing “America the Beautiful” or “God Bless America” because those songs mention “God” and might offend someone. This fear of disturbing someone with the mention of God is nothing new. I don’t know whether you’ve thought about it or not, but our country is no longer sure what to do with Christmas or Easter. In fact, some people have a hard time with any Christian holiday because there is concern about being politically correct. In recognition of this, a new politically correct version of the Bible has even been printed. In it we are no longer to pray to "Our Father who is in heaven," but to "Our father/mother who is in heaven." And Jesus is not referred to as "The Son of God," but as "the human one." This is a sad thing that is happening in our world today. God's Word is not meant to be "politically Correct." Remember the never failing truth of God’s Word will endure!

Remember God’s people. The word Paul uses here is the same as “elect.” This year we are voting. This means we must choose a person to be the leader of our city, our state, or our country. We must decide. God has already decided. The Gospel of John says the God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son that ALL who believe and trust in Him will never die, but have eternal life! God has already decided that He wants ALL his children in heaven with Him. God has chosen. God has elected. God has decided. The Jews are His favored people, but you and I have also been chosen because of our relationship with Jesus. We are all God’s people. However, not all will accept the Gospel. Does that stir your heart? It should.

If God has saved you and Jesus is your Savior, THIS IS YOUR GOSPEL. Let nothing stop God from using you to share His Good News. Paul’s heart’s desire and prayer was for everyone to be saved in Jesus. That’s a great desire and prayer for anyone! Do you have that desire and prayer for others or for anyone else? IS THERE SOMEONE OUT THERE THAT YOU WANT TO BE SAVED IN JESUS?

God wants all men to be saved! God has, in a sense, chosen all men to be saved. Does this mean that all men or all people will accept? No, but He has chosen them to be saved in that HE WANTS ALL TO BE SAVED! Is this what you want today? Do not delay. Ask Jesus into your heart and life as Savior.

Do we have needs in our lives? Remember What Jesus has done. Do we feel depressed and confused? Remember Christ’s love. Do we feel hurt and lonely? Remember Christ’s sacrifice. Do we feel far from Him and spiritually dull? Remember Christ’s return.

To God be the Glory,
Great things HE has done.
So loved He the world,
He sent us His Son.
Who gave up HIS life,
As forgiveness for sin.
And opened up heaven,
That all may go in.
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Let the earth hear His voice.
Let the people rejoice.
Oh come to the Father through Jesus the Son.
And Give HIM the glory, great things HE has done!