Good Monday Morning! Yes it is Monday. I pray you had a great Sunday full of worship and praise of our awesome God, our almighty Creator, and Living Savior. Remember…when you walk out of the church doors, worship is not finished! It is only beginning!
Did you make a decision today? Let’s see…so far….
1. Get out of bed. (not so sure about this one)
2. Shower (yup)
3. Brush teeth (Thank you)
4. Pick clothes (Gotta look good)
5. Breakfast (a. coffee, b. bagel, c. doughnut, d. ALL OF THE ABOVE)
6. Etc., etc., etc.
Do you know that God is involved in EVERY decision we make? And that EVERY decision we make is a TEMPTATION?
But wait Pastor John … temptation only happens when Satan wants me to do something bad. I respectfully disagree.
A temptation is an opportunity for decision. A decision is an opportunity for temptation. With EVERY decision we are faced with TWO choices: Obey God or NOT Obey God. To not Obey God is to Obey Satan.
We are tempted to obey God and His Word because we know that is right and we know that it pleases God. It shows we are committed to Him and His Word
We are tempted to NOT obey God and give in to OUR OWN desires and plans. We think our way is better than God’s way. Satan wins! Satan lets us think we are separated from God. We can still be committed to God and His word and allow Satan to make us think otherwise.
Temptation is all around us. Temptation is not anyone’s fault. It is the constant battle between Good and evil. But what we DECIDE to do with the temptation is our responsibility. It is no one’s fault but our own if we make the wrong decision. If we make the right decision God is glorified.
When we face any decision God is there, but also there is the opportunity to replace God with ourselves.
Here are 7 ways to know that God is involved:
1. People say it can’t be done … God says you CAN do all things through Christ!
2. You feel you aren’t qualified, trained, or prepared … Jesus said He has gone ahead and prepared the way. He is THE way, THE truth, and THE life!
3. People say we do not have enough money, people, time, or room … Jesus said,” My grace is more than enough for whatever you need.”
4. People think it does not make sense … The apostles did not think it made sense for Jesus to wash THEIR feet.
5. People call it (or you) stupid … People called the sick and the blind and the cripple they could never expect to be healed.
6. It would give God all the glory… In our weakness, He is our strength. In our need, He gives us everything we need. In our failure, He is our Savior. In our sin HE is our salvation.
7. It honors God and is true to His Word… Jesus said He will never leave us or forget us. Jesus said our sin is as far from God as the east is from the west.
Let the week begin by letting God be involved in your week. In your temptation follow God. In your temptation worship and praise God! In your temptation Let God take control!
Then watch God go to work!
Hello Again!!
7 years ago