Our worship continues….
Suppose today you are told by some person that tomorrow you must choose between the life you have and eternal life, what would you say? What would you do? How would you answer? Most of us would jump at the chance and say “I will take eternal life!” But deep down we may have second thoughts. There is so much to do. There are so many things to finish. There are preparations to make.
Do you think Peter thought these things when he saw Jesus and stepped out of the boat and started walking on the water toward Jesus? I don’t think so. Peter did not stop halfway over the side and say, “Oh wait…I need to pull in my nets first.”
“Who are those who fear (worship) the LORD (Jehovah God)? He will show them the path they should choose.” (Psalm 25:12 NLT)
How can you be sure you're making the right decision in your relationship with Jesus Christ? Sometimes it may seem as if God plays hide and seek when we're trying to figure out His plan. But God does not do that. God wants to give us clear direction. The real question is; what would we need to do to hear His voice?
Clear the pathway. There are two things which block our way of thinking: sin in our life and our own strong desires about the situation. To receive the Lord's leadership, we must repent of all known sin and make our desires secondary to His.
Learn patience. Sometimes it takes a great deal of strength to stand still when everything within you is shouting, "Hurry! Time is running out!" But if you try to rush ahead of God, you may miss what He is trying to show you.
Keep on praying. The Bible clearly instructs us to keep coming to the Lord with our concerns. As we continue to pray, He will gradually weed out anything confusing until we come to His conclusion about the matter.
Search the Scriptures. God’s Word has an answer for every need, and the Holy Spirit knows just how to point us in the right direction. There will be times that a verse jumps off the page while you are reading the Bible and it will be the exact answer you need to make an important decision.
So often when we're faced with a critical choice, all we want from God is a quick answer. But He delights that Jesus is our brother and wants us to have a deeper relationship with Him. Don't let the importance of your need keep you from enjoying the closeness of His presence as you seek to glorify God and exalt Jesus Christ in all you do.
Hello Again!!
7 years ago