
Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Morning 5/14/2012

When Jesus wanted to teach his disciples and help them feel important about the work they were doing and the work they were called to do, He took them on the road, not into the classroom. They went into the community.

Jesus' mission was not education. He was not here to motivate or inspire. His mission was always to rescue. To His core, He knew exactly what this meant. As a result, He was very good at what he did and He never gave up in His pursuit. Every word, every move, every step was a planned move to free men from the prison of their minds, untangle the knots of the knowledge of good and evil and lead them back to God as the center of the universe. Right about now I’m feeling pretty important to God.

Clearly Jesus defined freedom in a particular way, and watching what He did can help us understand how Jesus, the Author of freedom, thinks about freedom and shows just how important we are in God’s eyes.

He took a group of men and traveled across the countryside teaching them how to change everything they encountered and touched. Think of it this way: He was showing twelve guys and a crew of persistent women what it looked like and how to practice God-given authority.

“Fever go away,” He would say, and then he would make sure that His followers caught what had happened.

“Peace, be still,” He would say to a storm, and then he would turn and be sure their eyes had been on Him.

Encountering a crowd of religious know-it-alls? He peered inside their hearts and told stories. “Once upon a time there was a man who owed a little bit of money…” and then He would steal a glance at His disciples. “Get it?” the gleam in His eye would say.

A scared insecure tax collector? A shame-filled near-death prostitute? A self-confident Pharisee? All of these fell under the sway of Jesus restoring God’s blueprint to the universe He so perfectly created.

Two things stand out about Jesus' strategy. 
First, He spent the bulk of His time teaching them how to be and what to do, not on rules and restrictions.
Second, He taught them on the move in the community, not in a church or classroom.

Jesus was restoring God’s intended design. He was showing men and women how Adam and Eve might have taken authority over the creation, authority which God gave them. This is different from how our “religious” minds want to think.

Jesus was not spending His time trying to get them to behave well. He was not showing them what not to do. He was showing them who to be. His approach to this was to go and do, and teach on the way.

Jesus was showing them how to step into the role for which they were created.  We were created to have God-given authority over the planet; over the kingdom of darkness; over sickness; over hopelessness; and over fear and insecurity. All of these things and more were designed to be subject to us. Jesus took His team on the road and showed them how to do this.

Young athletes are taught on the playing field and not in a classroom. Classrooms without experience teach information and that’s pretty much it.  If someone wants to grow and learn, take them right out in the middle of reality and then begin to show them how to be.

Jesus did not come to teach about how to avoid bad behavior or better ways to study the Bible.
Jesus did not come to motivate people to get up off their chairs and try harder.
Jesus came to because you and I are so important that He came to earth and gave his life so we could be rescued from the prison of the world that has been wrapped around our minds.

I’d say He thinks we are worth it. I’d think you and me are pretty important to God.