Today is Memorial Day. It is a day to thank those who
have served faithfully defending our country whether they are military, law
enforcement, fire protection, or medical. It is a day to honor those who are
now serving. It is a day to thank and remember their families. And it is a day
to honor those who have served and their families who have made the ultimate
sacrifice that you and I can worship freely.
Every company has a purpose. The purpose of Apple
Computers is to make computers and to make money. General Motors makes cars and
hopefully makes a profit for its investors. The purpose of a school is to teach
students. The purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous is to help
people overcome addiction. Even the church has a purpose. Jesus told us what
that is when He said, "Therefore, go and make disciples of
all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given
you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew
28:19-20) The church has the right purpose because sharing Jesus is that
There is a story about two churches on the same block in
a big city. One was a large church with many members. Their desire was to reach
non-Christians and those who, for one reason or another, had quit going to
church. They were not as “traditional” as some churches, but their first goal
was to make sure everyone understood what it means to have a relationship with
Jesus. They went into the community, not as “door knockers” but as
“relationship builders.” This is where the “family of God,” the “body of
Christ,” the “church" came together for instruction, inspiration, fellowship,
and worship and then brought Jesus to their homes, their workplaces, and to
their neighborhoods.
The other church on the block in the early 1900’s through
the 1960’s was a powerful witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with more than
a thousand active members. But their number shrank to about 120. It was
discovered that over the years a subtle change crept in as their emphasis
switched from presenting the Gospel to helping the homeless. They set up soup
kitchens in the church building and began feeding programs for those in need.
We all know that helping those in need is a very worthy and Christian thing to
do. We are called to do that. But prayers were never offered in the soup
kitchens, nor was the name of Jesus ever mentioned. The reason was because they
were concerned that someone might be offended. In turning away from Christ’s
command to “… preach the gospel…” they made no effort to communicate the
Gospel. The result was that the same people were coming through the food lines
year after year with no improvement, no change for good taking place in their
lives. They were feeding their bodies, but ignoring, starving, their souls. And
the church itself there was almost dead.
These are two very different churches. Both of them are
very busy in what they are trying to do. But one is dying. Why? What is the
church supposed to be? And what is the church supposed to do?
I don’t know how you see the church. I don’t know if you
picture a little church where you and a few of your friends can get together. Or
maybe it’s a church where thousands of people gather together in worship. But I
know this. The church does not exist solely for its members. The members are to
obey Jesus to “GO.” The church exists to help reach the lost. And the moment we
turn our sights inward, and begin to think that the church is just for us, then
we are no longer the Lord’s church. We are a private little club. We exist for
a lost world. We exist to give ourselves away. We exist to touch a world that
doesn’t know Jesus Christ and to show them the way to be saved from their
sins and to live for all eternity.
There are too many people who can tell you what’s wrong
with their church. Are you willing to stand up and tell people about what is
right with God’s church?
The church, as God planned it, is the body of Christ, and
the family of God. It has been entrusted to us with a message of salvation for
the world. Now, go and make disciples.