
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Monday (Wednesday) Morning 6/20/2012

Many people hear the word "commit" and feel that they do not have the ability to make a difference in others' lives. God has gifted each of us in special ways with a purpose in mind. His plan for us involves using these talents to serve Him for the good of others.

Satan would like us to believe otherwise. Our Enemy wants us to notice what others are doing and then to feel inferior. For instance, there have been some who have said, “I cannot commit myself because I am Deaf and nobody showed me how.”

Have you ever really wanted something in your life? Was there ever something you wanted in life more than anything else?
Maybe it was:
• a new job,
• a promotion,
• a spot on the starting team,
• a guy or girl you really wanted to date,
• a car you always wanted,
• lose weight.

What did you do when you committed yourself to get what you wanted?
• Give it your best effort?
• Focus all your energies on it?
• Think about it day and night?
• Devise a plan or strategy to get it?
• Talk about it to anyone who would listen?
• Stick with it until you got it?

What would happen if we gave that same kind of effort in committing ourselves to God? What would happen to us as individuals, as families, as a church if we made this kind of all-out effort to commit ourselves to God until we really found Him?

What kinds of change such a commitment would make in our lives?
• In our prayer life?
• In our priorities?
• In our use of time?
• In our spending habits?
• In our social life?
• In our church attendance?
• In our burden for the lost?
• In our missions commitment?

I can’t help but believe it would literally turn our lives, our homes our church, our community upside down.

We must know where God wants us and where we are. Committing to God often begins with knowing where we are in God’s eyes. Until we recognize just how dry and weary of soul we really are, we will never take steps to do something to correct the situation.

We must see how much God is committed to us. The Psalmist said many times, “O God, you are my God." In Psalm 139 He says, "Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me."

We must see God will always be committed to us. God says over and over, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” “Keep your eyes on me.” “Watch and see.”

God wants our commitment to Seek Him in ALL things. The Psalmist says also, "Early will I seek You." This is not a reference to time or morning. The idea here is not necessarily the hour of the day, although the early morning hours are a great time to seek the Lord. This verse means that we need to make seeking the Lord our first priority in life.

So in which group are you today? If you commit it is full commitment. There is no “halfway” form of commitment. Committing yourself to God means to commit fully to His plan for your life. There is no satisfaction or peace in wasting the gifts God gives us to use for His glory.