How well do you pay attention? If something is important
do you pay full attention? Or are you maybe more interested in what you are
doing later? Do you only pay attention until you get bored? Maybe it does not
apply to you? Maybe the speaker is not talking about you?
My friends, now is the time to WAKE UP! I think what Jesus was talking about in Matthew Chapter 24
is upon us. Jesus is speaking to each and every one of us. There are
wars and rumors about new wars. There was a report on CNN this morning that
Mormonism is on the rise. What about Islam? These can be called false teachings.
Jesus is exactly right. We need to wake up and PAY ATTENTION! We are being
deceived by Satan and the world into thinking everything is just fine. Now is
the time to wake up and TRUST GOD!
Are you paying attention only to yourself? Do you look
for opportunities to serve others? Do you notice the needs of the community
where you live? Do you see the work that is to be done?
American Pastor, Bible teacher, speaker and writer Warren
Wiersbe writes, "Our values determine our evaluations. If we value comfort
more than character, then trials will upset us. If we value the material and
physical more than the spiritual, we will not be able to count it all joy! If
we live only for the present and forget about the future, the trials will make
us bitter, not better."
We should be involved looking for where we are to serve.
Not everyone is called to be a prophet, teacher or Pastor. But we are ALL called
to worship, to give ourselves, and to pray.
God does not require THE best. God requires YOUR best.
God is saving perfection for us until we get to heaven. While we are here you
should do YOUR best. This means giving nothing less than OUR best for His glory. So wake up and stop struggling to
make everything “perfect.” We already have “perfect” waiting in heaven for us.
While here on earth go for quality. Grow the gifts God has given and use them.
Pay attention to what God has already given and done for us.
Wake up and notice how God has called us to:
Be witnesses to HIS saving Grace
To win souls for Jesus
To bring the light of Jesus into a dark world by
showing HIM in our life
To be a light to brothers and sisters
The world will provide us with everything that is
pleasing to our flesh, but it gives us nothing for our soul. If we do not pay
attention, the way of Satan, the way of the world can overtake us. Our biggest
barrier right now is the words, “I can’t.” Satan is the “father of all lies” and
will tell every person they are not able to do something. God has showered this world
with grace and mercy more than we can imagine. Focus today, not on the “I can’t,”,
but on God’s grace.
me ask you something. Are you ready to wake up? Are you ready to face the day?
Or do you just prefer to keep hitting the “snooze” button? Wake up and get in
the game before it’s too late! There is much to be done. Don’t wait for someone
else to do it.
calls each and every one today of us to be at work for Him. Let’s wake up!