
Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday Morning 7/2/2012

Believe it or not, we all need a heart transplant: Our sinful, rebellious heart, for the heart of Jesus Christ. It is not something Obama-care will cover. It is only paid for in full by the blood of the Savior. Our sin, our rebellion has been replaced by God’s grace. It’s a gift we do not deserve and it’s a gift God gives not because He must, but because He wants to.

Grace has replaced sin. Outside of love, the word most commonly associated with Christianity may be "grace." But like love, grace is harder to define than it is to recognize when we see it in action.

Grace has often been described as God's Riches At Christ's Expense, and that is true. Within those riches, the Bible identifies favor, kindness, and good will as examples of grace, especially when it is not deserved by whoever receives the gift. In that sense, grace can be described as God's gift of something that isn't deserved, in contrast to mercy which is God NOT giving us something we deserve: His judgment.

God doesn't hand us grace as we would hand an apple to a child--a business deal that is quick and complete. Yes, it is a gift, but it’s not once-and-done. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. It never runs out and it will never be used as a weapon. Rather, grace is something we grow in. Because grace represents the character of God and His infinite love and resources, His grace is never exhausted.

Grace is fully present the day a new Christian first understands it, but that person's appreciation and depth of understanding will be radically different decades later.

Peter said, “18 Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18) This is a command not a suggestion. Growing in grace and knowledge is the beginning of the heart transplant God desires for all of us.

How do we know we are going through the replacement of our heart?
1. We will have an increasing desire to know Jesus more personally.
2. We will have a desire to obey God that overpowers you need to fulfill personal desires.
3. We will have a growing passion to for Christ, this is what drives us to worship.
4. We will grow in our loving acceptance of God’s plan for our life.

Ask God today to open your eyes to the depth of His gift of grace that you might grow more in it.