Summer is almost over. Kids are panicking as some have
started school while others are sad because school will start very soon. On the
other hand, some parents are rejoicing that some kids have already started
school and others will start school very soon. As the summer months draw to a
close, and we move toward the fall season, I wanted to take a moment to write not
only to our family at Master’s Hands Deaf Church, but to everyone who either does
or does not go to church.
One thing that has been on my heart in recent weeks is
the importance of being faithful to Church. I'm not referring to vacations
or those who have to work, or other things we cannot avoid once in a while that
affect our going to church.
The Bible makes it very clear that as we see the last
days approaching that our desire should be to be in fellowship together on a
more increasing basis, and not less.
The writer of Hebrews says, “We should
think about each other to see how we can encourage each other to show love and
do good works. We must not quit meeting together, as
some are doing. No, we need to keep on encouraging each other. This becomes
more and more important as you see the Day getting closer.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)
One cannot look at the events of this world very long without realizing we are
in the last of the last days.
The Bible also gives us great warning regarding our love
for God, and the danger of allowing that love to grow cold, or become
lukewarm. I truly believe one of the greatest ways to keep our love for
the Lord on fire is to spend time in His presence at home, in church, and in
our everyday life in the community.
When a person is faithful coming to church, they soon develop
a passion and desire to become involved in ministry. There is also a desire to
see our community changed and souls saved. We have so many opportunities for
ministry available, especially in the areas of youth and children. Dads
and Moms, I encourage you to set aside time for coming to church with your
family. I realize this sometimes is not possible, but it should be a
priority. Jesus commanded we bring Him
into our community, but we still need to come together as the Body of Christ
for fellowship, learning, and worship
Faithfulness in coming to church is important because:
People in our community see how Jesus is
important in our life every day and we can be Jesus in our community.
We learn the needs of our community, not only
the need for Jesus, but the personal needs of a struggling society.
Evangelism. Yes, Evangelism. Invite someone to church
and make sure you are there when they visit.
Fellowship – The way we stay connected and
informed is to come to the gathering place, the church building to be sent out.
Much of the information about events and ministry is given at church with
announcements or in the bulletin.
These are just a few ways faithfulness is essential, and
I'm sure you can think of many others. The bottom line is we need each other,
and the more we connect to each other, the stronger we will be as a church
family, and the more effective we will be in our community.
That is where we can be most effective, in our community.
But it starts with the gathering of believers for study, fellowship, and
worship. Make church a priority.