
Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Morning 8/27/2012

Do something new. I dare you. Try Worship. God says in Isaiah 43:19 “I AM doing something new.” Remember God’s word to Moses when Moses asked God’s name. “I am that I am.” Therefore the great “I AM” is doing something NEW today. It is an active verb. It’s not finished, it’s not “trying.” It’s not “will do.” He’s doing.

Many people do not realize just how active God is in the details of “life.” Some are just not worshiping God for who He is. “I AM doing something new.”

Worship is not entertainment. Some people feel that for worship they need music, drama, and video, topics, and more stories. None of those things are wrong, unless they take the place of worship. Someone will say we need more stories in worship or people will get bored. I'm not bored. If you're not bored, no one is going to be bored. How can one be bored waiting to see the new thing God is doing? Are you bored? Try worship. I dare you. For some people it’s something new. The Gospel is the main story that we should be telling.

Sharing is great. But just sharing is not always worship. We share a common experience. We share fellowship. We hear a pastor say, "There are some things I just want to share with you today..." It’s great to share, but we are supposed to proclaim a message. If we are not proclaiming the Gospel, glory is not coming down. We must proclaim the glory. People want to hear a word from God. Do something new.  Don’t just share the Gospel, proclaim it.

"Careful, careful, don't offend, always comfortable, never pressured, just a pinch of truth, when they're ready to handle it." Proclaiming the Gospel has become so watered down that everyone is afraid of the truth it contains. Do something new. Listen to what God has to say before you judge God and what He’s doing. If people don’t leave church saying they are challenged, then it’s not a ministry like Jesus had.

Jesus was asked which the most important commandment is. And He said we're supposed to love God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Worship just for scholarly things is not worship. Worship is meant to take what we learn and put it into action. It calls to action. It calls us to use our heart soul, mind and strength. Do something new. Use what God has given you to reach others. Jesus said you know the truth and the truth sets you free.

Do something new. Trust God and let Him work out the details. In John 10:10 Jesus said, “I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” The good news is, God says, “I am doing something new. Doesn’t it make you excited to know that God desires to do something new in your life?  

All I can say is do something new. Let Him.