The word “Thanks,” according to some scholars, is written 41 times in the Letters of Paul. It is a picture of Paul’s heart for those in ministry, and he takes the time and effort to single out those for whom he is thankful. He is thankful not only for what they do but he is thankful for their influence and testimony to others in the name of Jesus Christ. Most times these people are not in front of ministry, but behind the scenes working faithfully in service to God.
October is set aside as “Pastor Appreciation Month.” While the most common thing to happen is for individuals and congregations to express or show appreciation for the Pastors of their churches, there is a different application also. Paul was a Pastor to many pastors and the Pastor to many churches. To Paul “Pastor Appreciation” meant a chance for himself as a Pastor, together with other Pastors, to show appreciation to those who faithfully work in ministry.
Truthfully, many of my brothers and sisters, when they are honored or praised would rather have the praise and glory go to God and have the Name of Jesus exalted rather than their own. But Paul is saying something deeper here. He is trying to say, “Act Thankfully.”
When you see a soloist in the choir or a greeter at the door; when you see the Pastor of a church with thousands of members, or someone cleaning the bathroom or taking out the garbage, act in a way to show thanks to God for that person and what they do.
Master’s Hands Deaf Church is not about me as the Pastor. It is about Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. There are those to whom a word of thanks is due. I am personally thankful to these people and their willing servant’s hearts.
I am thankful:
- To my wife who has to put up with me when I am experiencing frustrations, joys, sorrows, or fatigue.
- To those who help put my ideas into motion either by media, art, printing, or action.
- To Our treasurer and assistant Treasurer who faithfully keep track of God’s money and our budget. They willingly give above and beyond what is expected.
- To our trustees who make sure things are kept on the right path and nothing gets too out of control.
- To those who share in worship by praying, offering music, and helping with the offering.
- To those who lead worship when Pastor is away.
- To those who clean the church, willingly giving of their time to make sure God’s house looks great.
- To those who sweep, shovel, help with signs, help with parking, and anything else outside the building.
- To those who set up and take down chairs and tables for special events including revival, and FABB Sundays (Fellowship and Breaking Bread).
- To those who freely use God’s gift to create special food for FABB Sundays or special events.
- To those who teach children and adults.
- To those who are willing to give up their time and travel to Master’s Hands for special work days.
- To those who faithfully come to Master’s hands only to be sent into the world to make disciples.
- To those who “think outside the box” to share the Gospel.
- To the Pastors, staff and members of Cornerstone Baptist Church for their faithful support.
When you meet one of these people, take a moment to tell them “Thank You.” Not only does it show appreciation for what they do, it helps them to know their work is important. In the same way, that faithful work influences others to get involved.
Hello Again!!
7 years ago