
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Deaf Devotion 12/5/2009

“And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.” (2 Corinthians 9:8 NLT)

God is eternal and everlasting. This means He always is, was and always will be. He was before the beginning and will be here until forever. We know forever has no end in sight. God was there before eternity and will be there after forever. God is everything and everything. He spoke a word and the universe was created. God is generous in His giving. God shares everything which is more than enough. Because God is all this we must understand that His love for us is even bigger than the universe He created. He is “I AM”

Moses asked God His name to tell other people. God told Moses, “I AM that I AM.” God was everything Moses needed Him to be. Moses had everything he needed directly from God’s hand. Because of this He was God’s man to lead the people of Israel from captivity to the Promised Land.

When Moses needed proof for Pharaoh, God turned his stick into a snake, rained down hail that burned, and sent frogs and locusts to cover the land.

When Moses needed a warrior, I AM fought his battles and defeated his enemies.

When the I AM brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt, He became everything they needed. When they needed food, the I AM provided food. When they needed water, the I AM provided water. When they needed clothing during the 40 years in the wilderness, the I AM made sure that their clothes and shoes did not wear out while they were in the wilderness. The I Am was everything they needed Him to be.

Jesus even said, “Before Abraham WAS, I AM.” He also said, “I AM the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 NLT) Because of this, Jesus, in His life, death, and resurrection “tore the veil” from top to bottom. We have direct access to God through the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Our common enemy, Satan, wants us to live our life from an empty cup. He wants us to think that God’s cup of grace has dried up for us. He wants us to be disappointed with God.

Most especially, Satan wants us to feel that God is a cosmic party pooper. Satan wants us not only to think, but also believe that God is always thinking of ways to rob us of joy and peace.
Satan knows that if we start to feel negatively about God, then he can have his way with us in other areas.

But Satan can and will lie to us. God does not lie. God is the “I AM.” He cannot lie.

Take courage. Be strong. Jesus has already won the victory for us! Send Satan’s lies back to the pit where they came from and claim the truth of the promises of the Great I AM.

I AM loves us more than we know or understand.
I AM sent His Son for us.
If someone is sick, I AM.
If someone is having financial problems and does not know how to make ends meet, I AM.
If someone is hurting, I AM.
If someone is lonely, I AM.
If someone is having problems on the job, I AM.
If someone’s kids are acting in such a way that you honestly don’t know what to do, I AM.
If someone’s car is acting up, I AM.
If someone needs more knowledge of God, I AM.
If someone’s faith has been shaken through life’s experiences, I AM.
When people are talking about us and running our name in the mud, I AM.
When we fall flat on our face, I AM.
When life presses us down, I AM.
If someone needs Jesus, I AM.
No matter what we face in life, I AM.

I AM says that He IS whatever we need Him to be. He is NOT the great “I WAS.” He is NOT the great “I WILL BE.”

God always was, always will be, and is now “I AM.”

How willing are we to accept the I AM in our circumstances every day and every way?

God is Able and God is Willing. Are we?