“We know we love God’s children if we love God and obey his commandments. Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome.” 1 John 5:2-3 NLT
We have been talking about “bearing fruit” or showing we have Jesus in our heart by allowing the Holy Spirit teach us what is in the heart of Jesus. Naturally, then what is in the heart of Jesus shows in our heart and in the way we live.
This fruit bearing was never intended to be difficult. A cluster of grapes does not have to work at becoming sweet or ripe. Neither do we. The fruit-bearing in our lives is automatic if we remain in the vine. Our job is to make sure we stay attached to the vine and take advantage of all the nourishment we can.
As long as we stay true to Jesus Christ, walk in obedience to Him, and allow Him to have control over our lives, the fruit grows in us naturally and according to His time schedule.
We cannot force fruit to grow. We can only cling to Jesus Christ and choose to follow the daily leading of the Holy Spirit. Remember, God is the vinedresser, the gardener, the owner, the pruner, the planter. Jesus is the vine. The Holy Spirit is the life-giving force flowing through the vine. We are the branches attached to the vine that bear His fruit.
Talk, talk, talk, talk. Preach, preach, preach. It seems Christians can be good at talking and preaching, but often times our lives don't back up what our lips have to say. We talk about how much we love God, but we aren’t always willing to do what He says to do. Notice I said willing. The Spirit provides us everything we need to be able to do what God wants us to do. We need to be willing to do something with what The Spirit gives us.
I've heard it said, "I just don't understand the Bible. I don't know what God wants from me." Friends, it is not that difficult. We need to stop making things more difficult than they really are. God is not a math problem to be solved, but a Savior to love and serve.
That's it! Jesus summed up the Ten Commandments in just two: love God and love your neighbor. Not with a flimsy, weak-kneed, love-when-its-easy, kind of love - that is not love at all. We are to love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind and then allow His love to flow over into our relationships with others.
God's love for us is beyond what we can understand. The greatest theologians of history have sought to break down the love of God and make it understandable. Some of them have served us well with their eloquent words and descriptive definitions of God's love, but it is the Holy Spirit that reminds us we are the branches attached to the vine. The work of the Holy Spirit produces fruit in us that is the unbounded, limitless love of God that He showers on us every day.
God's love is so great that it could never be contained in the pages of a book.
God's love is so brilliant that no artist could ever capture its majesty.
God's love is so vast that no building, no matter how beautifully decorated, could ever contain it.
God's love is so deep that the deepest sea would be but a wading pool in the ocean of God's love.
God's love is so wide that there is no person on earth, no matter how vile or hate-filled, that is out of His reach.
God's love is so costly that the richest people on earth could pool their fortunes and not raise the first payment on an eternal debt.
What is even more remarkable about God's love is that it is offered to those who are undeserving, unworthy, and who possess absolutely nothing within them that is attractive.
It is not burdensome to show God’s love for everyone by showing the love Jesus Christ has for us. That is the fruit. That is the proof. That is what it’s all about.
God loves us so very much that He has provided for us a constant reminder of our security as a son or daughter of God. There is no place that we can go that God's still, small voice is not present to whisper in our ear, "You are mine and I love you." That is the vinedresser talking via the Holy Spirit.
There is no challenge or trial that we will ever go through that can silence God’s comforter coming alongside us and letting us know that we are not alone - He is our strength and our comfort for all times and in all situations.
That is something that we cannot keep to ourselves. That is something that is not a burden, but a source of joy and peace. Pass it on.
Hello Again!!
7 years ago