
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mid Week Deaf Devotion 12/15/2009

John 10:10 – “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”

We began our study of the Holy Spirit with the verse from John.

We are now coming full circle in our study of the Holy Spirit. Living a life that is full of the Holy Spirit is rich and satisfying. The Holy Spirit moves into our heart when we accept Jesus as Savior. Jesus said He is the vine and we are the branches. We should live in respect to the Holy Spirit as the person who connects us as the branch with Jesus the vine. We do not use fruit or results to glorify ourselves as the branch but to bring beauty to Jesus the vine. We are all given one or more Spiritual gifts to use in God’s Service so He will be glorified through what you and I do every day.

The Church is a one-God show. The Church is NOT a one-person show. The Holy Spirit does not operate apart from what is directed from God. Everyone is a servant. God is pleased with our faithfulness. God uses our ability and wants our availability. The Holy Spirit uses God’s wealth of wisdom, power, grace, mercy, and unlimited love to make the impossible become possible. In order for God’s Church to function properly, each Christian must do the part given him or her by the Holy Spirit.

Gifts are not given just to give. God expects us to make use of the gifts He gives. In other words, when we turn our life over to God and accept Jesus as Savior, we receive the Holy Spirit and have all the various Spiritual gifts available to use. We need to use our Spiritual gifts to benefit others and glorify God because He is the one giving the gifts.

If one has turned their life over to God, one’s life should reflect obedience to God by the leading of the Holy Spirit. And the simple act of obedience is seeking ways to use our Spiritual gifts in service to others. When we turn our lives over to God, not just mentally but in obedience, the Holy Spirit will take over and direct everything we do. Then we need to learn how to correctly know how and where the Spirit is leading. The Holy Spirit is not our conscience. The Holy Spirit is not our consultant. Jesus promised He would come alongside us in the person of the Holy Spirit and go with us into every situation we encounter. But understand also the Holy Spirit can be hurt by our disobedience.

The Holy Spirit releases the power that enables people to trust God. We are messengers telling others about that power. Trust and obey the Holy Spirit to lead you to every opportunity to share the Gospel.

The Holy Spirit reveals God’s wisdom to us from the Bible. We are all believers, teachers and doers of God’s Word. Trust and obey the Holy Spirit to show you and teach you everything about the example and life of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit shares with us God’s work to be done through His Church. We are all servants. Trust and obey the Holy Spirit to show you places to join God’s work.

One of the secrets to abundant Spirit-filled living is service. We seek to serve God and each other. Abundant Spirit-filled living is a total surrender to Jesus Christ. Abundant Spirit-filled living does not exist until we have completely committed ourselves to Jesus Christ and fully copy Jesus’ teachings and example into our own life. Our commitment must lead us to say "no" to temptation, and "no" to everything that is opposite in nature and character to the Word of God.

2 Corinthians 5:17 – “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” It is a new Spirit-filled life. By the power of the Holy Spirit, give your life to Christ. Believe Him. Believe IN Him. Trust Him. Surrender to Him. And life will be rich and satisfying.