
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Deaf Devotion 2/19/2011

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2 NLT)

One day God will get our attention one way or another and will change our plans. It is only faith that can carry us through the change. God calls each of us to develop a faith that is exciting, energetic, alive, deep, and essential.


This happened to a man who was on his way to Damascus with one thing on his mind: Stop the spread of the Gospel.

God showed up and interrupted Saul’s plans. God shot a laser beam of light out of the throne room of Heaven and knocked Paul to the ground.

Suddenly all of the education, the plans, and the hatred that had been controlling Saul was erased in one quick flash and Saul became the guilty and the hopeless.

In his previous life Saul had not really heard the voice of God, he had listened only to the voice of religion and of the world.

But now he heard a different voice. This was a voice with power and authority that shook him to the core of his soul.

This same voice had spoken the world into existence.
This same voice had called to Adam in the Garden.
This same voice had spoken judgment upon Satan, the serpent and all of creation as a result of sin.
This same voice had spoken to Moses on Mt. Sinai and given the Law
This same voice had spoken to Lazarus and raised him from the dead
This same voice had cried out, “it is finished” as he paid the price of redemption on the cross
This same voice cries out to us today – follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
This same voice speaks to each of us – this is my will for your life, now do it.
This same voice will someday say to us “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

Paul had developed a strong faith commitment to know and serve Jesus Christ. His dedication and love for the Lord was obvious. Jesus was always central in his thinking, whether he was working as a tent maker, preaching to the crowd, or even sitting in chains at prison. What caused his love for the Lord to carry on?

When Jesus called out to Paul when he was on his way to Damascus his way of life changed forever. Grateful for the gift of grace he had received at salvation, Paul went and told as many people as possible about his encounter with the resurrected Christ and its impact on him. We, too, have a story to tell of God's mercy in saving us and of the new life we have in Him. How many people are waiting to hear our stories of salvation?

Paul's enthusiasm also came from his firm conviction that the gospel message was true and available to everyone. The more we understand what Jesus has accomplished on our behalf, the greater will be our desire to share the gospel.

Developing a faith that is exciting, energetic, alive, deep, and essential requires time and energy plus a commitment to obey God. Regularly studying the Bible will strengthen our faith and give us the courage to speak. Caring about the relationship others have with Jesus Christ as Savior moves us into action.

This may be the day of new beginnings for someone – if we are willing to pay attention.