“Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT)
Okay…Yes, Monday is Valentine’s Day. Have you told those in your life that you love them? Have you told God you love HIM? For some Valentine’s Day is cheesy and silly. For some it is another chance for expressing one’s love. Yes I said, “ANOTHER CHANCE.” It is not the ONLY chance. For some it is very, very painful.
A good group game asks this question: "If you were told to leave your house immediately and given only one hour to pack only one suitcase to hold your belongings, what would you take?" The point of the game is to force people to think about priorities; answers usually include things like family photo albums, keepsake jewelry, a valued gift, important documents, and today one would probably include their laptop and cell phone!
Everything in life is not equally important, nor is everything in the kingdom of God on the same level. Of three important virtues, faith, hope, and love, Paul said that love is the "greatest." And Jesus pointed out that loving God and loving each other are the first and second most important commandments out of the hundreds of commandments in Israel's Law. Various influences have caused many people to think afresh about what is most important in their life.
When funds are limited, when things are not going right in our families or circle of friends, or the future looks scary, we begin to make choices: God, spouse, family, neighbors, health, savings. In truth, we tend to live differently when all things are not possible.
We need to constantly be on guard and aware of changes and choices we are making when things get challenging. It is then very difficult be true to ourselves and hold on to the priorities that God has for us: Faith, Hope, and Love.
“And the very hairs on your head are all numbered.” (Matthew 10:30 NLT) God sees us. God is with us in the Holy Spirit. God is with us in the Savior Jesus Christ. He knows all about us. He knows more about us than we know about ourselves. He knit us together in our mother’s womb. And I guarantee you on the authority of the Word of God, that He loves us.
This is amazing when we realize that we are just specks on a globe that’s about the size of a grain of sand or less compared to the size of the universe. And yet our Lord looks down and He sees us as cherished individuals that He loves one by one. The great God that runs the universe is concerned about us as though we are His only priority. Well, we are HIS top priority.
Paul lists fifteen characteristics of love in 1 Corinthians 13. But it’s what he says in 1 Corinthians 13:13 that seem to sum it up.
First, Love will never fail. When all the things in which men glory have passed away, love will still stand. “Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned. (Song of Solomon 8:7 NLT) The one thing which cannot be defeated is love.
Secondly, love perfects us. Love makes us complete. (I John 4:12-18) Love matures us. It allows us to see ourselves as we truly are and God for who He truly is. Love grows us: it keeps us from acting like children only concerned for our own desires. It is a process which will not be complete until Christ’s return.
And then, love is supreme. Great as faith and hope are, love is still greater. Faith without love is cold, and hope without love is lonely. Love is the fire which kindles faith and it is the light which turns hope into certainty.
Paul makes a rather bold statement when he says, "Love never fails." Paul is saying that on the stage of life, love is bound to win. It is certain to succeed. And those who would practice it will never be defeated no matter how poorly someone may appear to be playing their part on the stage of life.
O Lord our God, source of all blessing, in happiness and joy we thank you for the gift of love, which we celebrate today and every day. Give us the ability to rejoice always in your love for us. Open our eyes to the beauty and the mystery of the love you hold for us and which we hold for each other, every day as today. And may our lives embrace and value the promise of your love which does not know any limits. Then all will see we are your children and your name will be honored and exalted. Amen.
Hello Again!!
7 years ago